NOTE. NEW items are at THE END.

July 23, 2020

Hon. Dr. Karen Cummings, MP. MBBS, MPH, BSc. (Guyana Minister Of Foreign Affairs).

Co-operative Republic of Guyana

“I wish to take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for the services you rendered to the Government of Guyana during your tenure as Ambassador”

“Thanks for your wonferful service. Be blessed as always”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Hon. Dr Karen. Thanks. Amen. His Will Will Be Done. Our Honor to Serve. Our Best Wishes Forever. Amen

H.E. Hon. Dr Khaled Ali AL-Fadhel (Minister of OIL, Chairman of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation. KPC AND. Minister ELECTRICITY & WATER)

“We’d be lucky to have you excellency. We pray that H.E. President approves your continued work in Kuwait.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams. Brother Hon Minister Dr. Khaled. Thanks. Allah’s Will Will Be Done. Ameen”

Reply from: H.E. Hon. Dr Khaled Ali AL-Fadhel

Dear brother excellency prof. Shamir & Dr. Maryann,
You’ve done a great job while serving your country in Kuwait. You will definitely be missed. A couple like yourselves sat a benchmark for how ambassadors should be.

Thank you for the great company and hope to see you back in Kuwait.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Esteemed Brother Your Excellency Hon. Minister Dr. Khaled. Many Thanks for Your Most Gracious Words. Yes. We delivered outstanding services documented in 236 Webpages in the Service of Guyana and Kuwait. We Love Father HH Amir, His Highnesses, Ruling Families, You, Ministers, Kuwaitis, Expats & Families. Insha Allah. Long Live HH Father Amir. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live 113 Nations’ Embassies in Kuwait. Long Live Guyana. South America. Allah O Akbar

Ambassador Charlene Alexis Phoenix CCH (Permanent Secretary Guyana. MoFA).

Co-operative Republic of Guyana

“ Please be assured that the Ministry will encourage the next Head of Mission to ensure that all the good work done during your tenure continues.

Let me, therefore, place on record my appreciation for your stewardship over the last four years.“

“ It is critical that every effort be made to ensure that the work that commenced under your stewardship is continued in the interest of Guyana.

I thank you again for your valuable service to Guyana .”

Sheikh Duaij Jaber Abu Naser AL-Sabah

Boston Law, USA

“Thank you for your initiative and good luck with the new chapter of a fruitful and benevolent career. Will stay in touch and continue to hold you at high regards. Duaij”

July 29,2020

H.E. Ambassador Deputy Dean Manyepedza P. Lesetedi (Botswana)

YOUR Excellency,

I wish to refer to your text messages as well as your Note Verbal # 139/2020
of 28th July 2020 announcing that you have completed your tour of duty in
Kuwait and are due to leave soon.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank Your Excellency most sincerely for
your friendship to me personally. Botswana and Guyana enjoy longstanding
cordial relations and it was a pleasure for me to know you. I will miss your
boundless energy and camaraderie as I am sure most of my colleagues will.

Though you have not stayed very long, your achievements have left an
indelible mark in Kuwait and serve as an inspiration to those of us who are
yet to leave. You have certainly raised Guyana’s Flag high in Kuwait.

As you leave, I wish to take this opportunity to wish you and your Dear Wife,
Dr. Bee Bee Myriam, GOD’S Blessing in your endeavors.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration
and esteem.
M. P. Lesetedi

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams Bro. Amb. Deputy DEAN. Manyepedza. Many Thanks for Your Most Caring End of Duty Letter. OUR Friendship is Forever. We will continue to be 1 SMS away.”

“Do convey MY Best Wishes to Southern African Development Community. SADC. 16 Countries. Angola. Botswana. Comoros. Congo. Eswatini. Lesotho. Madagascar. Malawi. Mauritius. Mozambique. Namibia. Seychelles. South Africa. Tanzania. Zambia. Zimbabwe.”

Thanks for Book. Will enjoy reading.”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Deputy Dean Manyepedza P. Lesetedi 

“You will leave indelible footprints here in Kuwait.”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

“ Our Honor, Delight & Joys to Serve and be an ACTIVE Member in the Diplomatic Corps”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Deputy Dean Manyepedza P. Lesetedi 

👌A final cap on your achievements on the eve of your departure.

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Brother Deputy Dean Amb. Manyepedza. Yes. Agreement # 9 signed on 10 August 2020. Most Memorable Day. With God, Bhagwan &
Allah’s Graces, Guides & Blessings. Amen

“Long Live Botswana. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Deputy Dean Manyepedza P. Lesetedi 

Morning Excellency. You really achieved a lot. I wish i had support from stakeholders at home to conclude some of the agreements you have achieved. We have concluded a BASA which only remains to be singed and has been on the table for a long time. Maybe i will get some action on some of the items. Shukran and may GOD bless you and yours Dear Wife, DR. Maryann.

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Deputy Dean. Ambassador MPL. All with God, Bhagwan & Allah’s Graces. Will. Guides. PLUS 7 KEYS. Vision. Team. Plan. Resources. Execution. Evaluation. Leadership. SET Your GOALS and Press On. NO is NEVER an ANSWER for items to benefit our Countries. Thanks for Good Wishes. Long Live Botswana. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana.

From 2nd Poorest Country to Fastest Growing Economy in the World | Sir Seretse Khama’s Botswana (Video):

July 31, 2020

Article in Al-Anba Newspaper

سفير غايانا يُغادر الكويت بعد انتهاء عمله ويُشيد بالعلاقات الطيبة بين البلدين

محمد الخالدي

يغادر سفير جمهورية غايانا الصديقة د.شمير علي البلاد بعد انتهاء فترة عمله بعد ٤ أعوام، قضاها في توثيق وتطوير العلاقات الطيبة بين الكويت وبلاده، وقال في تصريح خاص انه فخور جدا « الأنباء » ل بعمله سفيرا لدى الكويت، وبما قدمه خلال فترة عمله من ترسيخ للعلاقات الطيبة وتطويرها وتوسيع مجالات التعاون بين البلدين الصديقين، وأنه فخور وسعيد جدا بالفترة التي قضاها في الكويت، حيث استطاع التعرف عن قرب على أصالة المجتمع الكويتي وكرمه وحسن ضيافته، وكذلك بالتعاون والعمل مع وزارة الخارجية وكبار المسؤولين في الكويت بما يخدم مصالح البلدين والشعبين الصديقين. وأكد د.علي أنه سيعود إلى الولايات المتحدة الأميركية قريبا وهو يحمل أجمل الذكريات الجميلة عن الكويت وأهلها، وبهذه المناسبة وجه الشكر والتقدير إلى جميع العاملين في وزارة الخارجية الكويتية على حسن التعامل

والتعاون لخدمة مصالح البلدين، كما تمنى لصاحب السمو الأمير الشيخ صباح الأحمد الشفاء العاجل، مشيدا بمسيرة سموه ودوره الكبير في خدمة قضايا السلام والعمل الانساني، كما هنأ صاحب السمو وسمو نائب الأمير وولي عهده الأمين والشعب الكويتي بمناسبة عيد الأضحى المبارك، وتمنى للكويت وشعبها دوام التقدم والازدهار.

The Ambassador of Guyana leaves Kuwait after his work ends and praises the good relations between the two countries

Mohammed Al-Khaldi

The ambassador of the friendly Republic of Guyana, Dr. Shamir Ally, leaves the country after the end of his work after 4 years. He spent it in documenting and developing the good relations between Kuwait and his country. Establishing and developing good relations and expanding fields of cooperation between the two friendly countries, and he is very proud and happy with the period he spent in Kuwait, where he was able to get acquainted with the authenticity, generosity and good hospitality of the Kuwaiti community, as well as in cooperation and work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and senior officials in Kuwait to serve the interests of the two friendly countries and peoples. Dr. Ally stressed that he will return to the United States of America soon, and he carries the most beautiful memories of Kuwait and its people. On this occasion, thanks and appreciation to all workers in the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the good handling and cooperation to serve the interests of the two countries, as he wished His Highness Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad a speedy recovery, praising the path of His Highness and his great role in serving peace issues and humanitarian work. And prosperity. He also congratulated His Highness, the Deputy Emir and his Crown Prince, the Secretary and the Kuwaiti people, on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Adha, and wished Kuwait and its people the continuous progress and prosperity

Reply from: Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Mohammad. ALANBA Many Thanks. Huge Appreciations. EID MUBARAK

July 28, 2020

Past Ambassador Prof. Sri Sunil Jain (India)

“Our Heartiest congratulations on your successfully completing your diplomatic assignment in Kuwait. My best wishes to you and your family for the next phase of life. Kuwait will miss you a lot. Warmly, Sunil Jain”

August 1, 2020

Past Guyana Minister Dharamdeo Sawh

“Hon. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally you have served, Guyana with great pride and distinction. Thanks for a job well done. Surely your colleagues will miss your elegance and leadership skills. Who knows you may be asked to serve in the same or other countries. You ‘both’ have treasured memories and have earned lifelong friends. Be safe and have a pleasant journey home. God Bless.”

July 28, 2020

Iqbal Hadi Zaidi (Former Diplomat. Pakistan)

“Excellency I had prayed you become Dean to enlighten Ambassadors so please do not Maroon Ambassadors in Kuwait though you ate much needed elsewhere as well / Prayers”.

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Benedict Johannes Gubler & Madame Hon. Clethe Minervini Clethe (Switzerland).

“Dear Friend and Brother,
It was a great pleasure having met you and we wish you a happy continuation.
See you soon again,
Benedict and Clethe”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

“Wow. Wow. Wow. Enjoy. Most Memorable Moments in Exotic Switzerland on National Day.”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Benedict Johannes Gubler & Hon. Clethe Minervini Clethe (Switzerland).

“Thank you and Greetings from Switzerland.”

“Dear Friend and Brother,
We wish you all the best and hope to see you soon again,
Benedict and Clethe”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Bro. Amb. Dr. Benedict & Sister Hon. Clethe. Agreed. We are family for Life. Yes. We will meet. Amen. Best Wishes Forever to
You Both, Families & Great Nation of Switzerland

Owen Khan, Entrepreneur. Agriculturalist. & Philanthropist.

West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.

“ Have a safe trip home. Much Love. All is Good. Job well done. Proud of you.”

“Eid Mubarak Couz. You have accomplished what you set it to do 30 years ago. Proud of you. You are one of a kind. Could not have been done any other way. Welcome back home. Job well done. ♥️”

Ambassador Michael Ten-Pow (PR United Nations. NY).

“Best of luck with the end of tenure formalities, Shamir.”

Ron Alert, Business Executive. Visionary. Philanthropist.

FCIS, FCCA. Washington. DC. USA.

“ Professor Ambassador Thank you and Dr.Maryann for your distinguished service to Guyana. We who know of Your hard work and dedication are proud of your accomplishments. We look forward to welcoming you back to your adopted home. Thanks Be To God.”

“The end of a very successful journey and thanks to you and Dr. Maryann”

Reply from: Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“ Esteemed Brother Ron. Thanks. Yes. Amen. With Almighty’s Graces.”

Dr. Rohan Somar, MD, MBA, FACEP, FAAEM,(Rtd USAir Force), Emergency Room Physician, Entrepreneur, Chairman & Director of Boards, Businesses Owners, Visionary and Philanthropist.

New Jersey, USA

“Well deserved Prof. Praying for your safe travels.”

“Relationship are Priceless and lifelong.”

“ During these very challenging and changing times I am thinking our for safety and security in a foreign land. Any chance that the next government will appoint you to continue as the Guyana Ambassador to Kuwait? A sad day for Guyana. You have done so much for Guyana in a short time. No doubt a difficult transition. “

“God bless.
Safe travels back home”

“Relationship are Priceless and lifelong”

Ewart Andrew Marshall, ICT Expert, Businesses Owner and Visionary.

New York, USA.

“ You served Guyana well Professor. Safe travels.”

AL Hajj Dr. Mohammed Asad Al Emadi (Chairman – ASAD Holding. Qatar). Businesses Owners. Visionary Leader. Philanthropist.

State of Qatar.

“Sad to see you and Maryann leave. Both of you have done an amazing job and your shoes will be hard to fill. Best regards from Chelsea, London. Both u and Maryann are welcome to visit anytime 🙏🌷”

Dr. Sobir Kh. Komilov (IsDB Regional Hub Manager)

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“Dear Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally,
It was a pleasure to know you and cooperate with you. I wish you and Dr. Maryann the best of health, prosperity in your next endeavors. Wish you Happy and Blessed Eid!”

Donna Marie Yearwood CCH (Head Debt Management, Ministry of Finance)

Co-operative Republic of Guyana

“A very good morning to you Ambassador. Trust all is going well with you and you are staying safe. Thank you for alerting me of your departure from Kuwait.

Just to say that you are the best Ambassador I have known. I admired your tenacity, joyful spirit, dedication and commitment that you put forth in serving your country. Your tremendous efforts in putting Guyana on the map in Kuwait and accomplishments which were the best would be remembered. I will always cherish our friendship. Wishing you and Dr. Maryann the best and good health as you return home.

Will kindest regards

Dr. Vincent Adams, Executive Director  (Guyana Environmental Protection Agency).

Co-operative Republic of Guyana

“Professor. Ambassador. Mission well done and humongous shoes to fill.”

T. Anita Jaikaran. MBA.

New York City. AFC. USA.

“ Prof. Shamir, thank you for your service as Ambassador and for being a great representation to Guyana. We couldn’t have asked for a better Ambassador to the State of Kuwait. Thank you to Dr. Maryann for being a fantastic support and representation as well!”

Robert Montgomery Persaud, Former Guyana Minister of Natural Resources, BA, MBA. Managing Consultant at iPower Consulting Inc.

“ You have served well. And after your tenure maybe you can speak on the side of democracy. Best wishes and our friendship remain unaffected notwithstanding our views.”

Good job

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks. Robert. WE Gave Outstanding Representation in 4 years with 237 Webpages with Empirical Evidences. With Bhagwan’s Graces

Roxanne Sumner (Past GO-Invest Senior Invest Officer)

“Good morning. Thanks for the notice… however that is the tenure of a political appointee. I am not a political person and never will be. I see you as a friend, who always has sound advice to share. I will like this friendship to continue and I am sure Maryann will also. Best wishes and welcome back home.”

“Good afternoon. Welcome home.
Words cannot express thanks to you and Dr. Maryann for the excellent job done in Kuwait to promote Guyana. Allah will continue to honor you both.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Sister Roxanne. Agreed. You are 100% correct on Dr. Maryann’s work to Promote Guyana, “‘Show, Tell & Know.” Thanks for most gracious comments. Amen

Reply from: Roxanne Sumner

Good afternoon. Welcome home.
Words cannot express thanks to you and Dr. Maryann for the excellent job done in Kuwait to promote Guyana. Allah will continue to honor you both.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Sister Roxanne. Agreed. You are 100% correct on Dr. Maryann’s work to Promote Guyana, “‘Show, Tell & Know.” Thanks for most gracious comments. Amen

Shivy Bhasin (Managing Director. Basin Co. WLL. Hon Chm IBPC).

“Excellency and madam, Eid Mubarak, good health, peace, prosperity and happiness always. Will miss you. 😀”

“Have a safe flight . Wishing you the best forever . Great know you . 😀 ”

Eng. Mohammad J. AL-Asaati (IsDB Director Office Of President).

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

“Dear Dr. Shamir,
Salam. Eid Mubarak to you and family. Wishing you all the best of health, joy and happiness. 💐🌿
Mohammad Alsaati”

S. Kumar Wadhawan ( Kuwait India Org) Wadhawan (MD Samara Auto Supplies & Past Chm IB&PC-K).

“Excellency Dr. Shamir Ally,
We are sad to see you parting from us soon. Good times really flies so fast that with a blink of an eye you have completed your tenure of 4 years and are now ready to go back.
We were honored and privileged to enjoy brotherly love and affectionate relationship You will be missed a lot.
Please do share your contact so as we can remain in touch.
Our best wishes and Greetings to you and Madam Dr. Maryann!
Happy Eid Al-Adha 🌹”

Majda K.  Alzhr (MOFA Protocol. Kuwait. Office Manager).

“ Good morning ur excellency

I feel very sad for the reminder of the departure date 🥺 u have been such a friendly popular ambassador in Kuwait all that time .. with amazing useful activities that everyone notice it .. so we r going to lose you.. please allow me to say good bye 👋”

Mr. Adil Amjad Piracha (Head Of E-Marketing AL-Hafiz).

“😭 Your Excellence, this is really difficult for me, I will miss You and Dr. Maryann “

Mr. Ravi Ayanoli (Principal Fahaheel Al-Watanieh Indian Private School) DPS Kuwait.

“Your excellency, sad to hear that an eminent personality, you, will be leaving Kuwait. May God the almighty bless you in all possible ways. Eid Al Adha wishes to you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏”

“Thank you your Excellency! Hope you have reached safe and settled. Good day ahead🙏🙏🙏”

“If everything was perfect, we would have never learnt and grown to whatever we are today!!!
Happy Independence Day, Good morning and have a perfect Saturday!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Namaste. Bro Ravi. Thanks for Gracious Words. Yes Thanks. Arrival safely in Charlotte. NC. USA. Best Wishes To You, Families, Schools & Students. Jai Hind .

Jafarullah  Ibrahim ( Dr MYB).

“ Thank you. We never forget you”

H.E. Minister Dr. Hassan bin Mohammed AL-Ansari

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kuwait Embassy

“Your Excellency brother Dr. Ambassador, it’s bad news for all the diplomatic community in Kuwait, really we will miss you. All best wishes for u and family. Allah Akbar💐”

Mashaallah Excellence, always recieved from you beautiful news and pics. Thank you for your Excellency , Allah Akbar 🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Ameen. Brother YE Minister Dr Hassan. Thanks. All with Allah’s Graces. Allah O Akbar

Past Amb. Muhammad Aslam Khan ( Pakistan).

“ Very impressive career and achievements. Ma Sha Allah!”

“Excellency, congrats. Brilliant achievements. I am a witness to the outstanding job that you and Mme did here. We also have similar agreements with Kuwait. Thanks for sharing.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Muhammad. Thanks. We are all Allah’s Vessels

His Excellency Sheikh Ali Al Sabah

Hello Ambassador Dr. Shamir, It was a pleasure to get to know you and your wife during time in Kuwait. I wish all the best of a beautiful, healthy future and all your endeavors. I appreciate your service and contributions to the State of Kuwait. Please keep in touch. I hope to see you sometime in the future. God bless you and your family.
Sheikh Ali Al Sabah

His Excellency Sheikh Ali Al-Sabah’s Exotic Farm Residence

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Esteemed Brother Your Excellency Sheikh Ali. Thanks for these 3 Most Memorable Memories in Pictures with Your Most Favourite items at Your Exotic Farm Residence Dr. Maryann sends Her Hellos. Regards & Best Wishes. Our Continuing DUAS for You, Families, Our Father HH Amir, HHs, Ruling Families and Kuwait. Kuwait is Our Home. Allah O Akbar

Dr. Ahmed Ishmail Behbehani (RHH. Chairman Kuwait Aviation Show) And Editor In Chief AL Khaleej Newspaper. Chm. AL-Jabriya Exhibition Group

Top left corner: Dr. Ahmed S. Ismail Behbehani, Brigadier General Ahmed Al-Jarallah and Ambassador of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, His Excellency Dr. Shamir Ali

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Esteemed Brother Your Excellency Dr. Ahmed. Very Impressive. Informative. Historic. Kuwait 2020 Aviation Show. Guyana Dr. Shamir on page 79. March 17, 1979, Shamir’s Arrival in New York. USA. Continuing DUAS

Our Continuing DUAS for You, Families, Our Father HH Amir, HHs, Ruling Families and Kuwait. Kuwait is Our Home. Allah O Akbar

Dr Maryann sends her Hellos, Kind Regards and Good Wishes Forever

Reply from: Dr. Ahmed Ishmail Behbehani

🌹🌹🌹wish u safe fight 🌹🌹🌹


Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Your Excellency. Dr. Ahmed. Thanks. Day 5 now in Charlotte North Carolina. With Allah’s Graces

Reply from: Dr. Ahmed Ishmail Behbehani

Salaams Your Excellency Dr. Ahmed. Thanks. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Continuing Duas for Our Father HH Amir’s Speedy Recovery. Continuing Duas for His Highnesess, Sheikhas. Sheikhs, Ministers, Kuwaitis, and Expats. Dr Maryann sends her Special Hellos to You . Long Live HH Our Amir. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana.

H.E. Ambassador IYA TIDJANI (Cameroon Non-Resident For Kuwait & Based In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. DEAN Arab Group, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

“ Your Excellency Brother Professor Ambassador Dr. Shamir, it is sad news for the diplomatic community in Kuwait, Cameroonians, OIC and IsDB. For four years myself and Ministers from Cameroon enjoyed meeting you with our conversations for better communities, countries and world. Our duas for your reappointment with the new Government in Guyana from yesterday. We will miss you and Dr. Maryann. Best wishes for U and family. Allah Akbar.

H.E. Ambassador Dato Mohammad Ali Selamat (Malaysia).

“Assalamualaikum Excellency. It is sad 😢 to learn that your tenure will soon end. You have done a great job and represent your country successfully. May Allah ease you and Maryanne in whatever undertaking in future. Eid Mubarak. I will travel to Malaysia 🇲🇾 this weekend and only be back to Kuwait at the end of August. I cherish our relationships and thank all of your assistance.”

Airplane Capt. Abdullah Ali Bastaki (RHH Airplane. President & CEO ABC).

Happy Eid Al-ADHA

H.E. Mr. Tri Tharyat (Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in the State of Kuwait)

 “The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia has the Honor to acknowledge the circular note regarding the completion of H.E. Dr. Shamir Ally’s duty as the Ambassador of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the State of Kuwait, furthermore has the honor to forward the sincerest congratulations from H.E. Mr. Tri Tharyat, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the State of Kuwait and the best wishes for H.E. Dr. Shamir Ally for his future endeavors.”

“Excellency, I wish you and fam a great journey in the future and to see you again someday. Thanks for your continued advise and frienship. Eid Mubarak🙏🏻🙏🏻”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Esteemed Brother Amb. Tri Tharyat. Thanks for your kind comments. We are Brothers for Life. We will stay in touch. This is my Global Number. Mubarak Eid. Best Wishes to You, Families and Outstanding Indonesian Nation.”

Reply from: H.E. Mr. Tri Tharyat

Thank you so much excellency for your kind words and enjoy Charlotte, a beautiful city I adore 🙏🏻🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Bro. Amb. Tri. With Almighty’s Graces. Thanks. Charlotte, Food, Music & Southern Culture. Amen

Ambassador Dr. Riyad Insanally. CCH

Washington DC, USA

“Good luck, Bro Shamir!”

Mr. John Fernandes, ICT Engineer. (IA Smart Solutions).

“ Your Excellency you have done exceptional work for your country by bringing it into spotlight.  Will miss a wonderful human being who was so humble to everyone. All the best and we will keep in touch.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“ Thanks, Brother John. All Praises to Almighty. This is my Global Phone. We will stay in touch. Blessings to You & Families Forever.”

Mr. Mohamed Gad AL-Basuoni ICT Expert Engineer.

“Salaams. Dr. Shamir
Me also will miss you and Dr. Maryann. Can not forget you. Will remember our relationship forever.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“This is my Global number. We will stay in touch. Yes. We are Brothers for Life.”

Reply from: Mr. Mohamed Gad AL-Basuoni ICT Expert Engineer.

“Give Praises to Allah.  Allah’s Will will Be done.”

H.E. Ambassador Boomo Frank Sofonia (Lesotho).

” Ambassador, You’ll leave behind Fond memories of a true friend👋🏽 All the Best in your future Endeavours 🙏🙏.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“ Esteemed Brother Amb. Boomo. All with Almighty’s Graces. Thanks. Ameen. Insha Allah.”

Amena Seeram

New York, USA.

“It’s great to have you back home! So proud of you of you both and all your accomplishments near and far! Many blessing and love to you and Aunt Maryann. 💙💜”

H.E. Ambassador Halima Abdille Mohamud (Kenya).

“Very sad that a dear brother n colleague might leave Kuwait soon. I learnt a lot from you as newcomer. Keep me posted b4 you go so that I give you a visit inshaallah. Thank you very so much excellency”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams. Esteemed Sister Amb. Halima. We are Family for Life. This is my Global. Number. We will stay in touch. Continuing Duas for You, Families, and Great Nation of Kenya. Aug 11 KIA Wheels Up to USA. Allah O Akbar”

Ramesh Singh (Mughal Mahal).

Indian in Kuwait

“Very good evening Dr.Shamir Ally great sir, congratulations for your 4 years end of tenure in kuwait hope you have been wonderful time. and wishing you and your family Happy Eid,

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Ram Ram Brother Ramesh. Thanks for good wishes. We will stay in touch. This is my Global Number. Best Wishes to You, Families, Teams & Mughal Mahal”.

“Ram. Ram. Yes. Continuing Blessings”

Reply from:  Ramesh Singh

Good afternoon Dr.Shamir ally great sir thanks for kindly message wishing you and Dr.Maryann ally a happy journey to you all God bless you 🙏🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Ramesh. Thanks. We will stay in touch. We are family. Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, Families & Top Caliber Mughal Mahal Team. We will miss You all. Stay safe. Be Smart. Be Blessed

H.E. Ambassador Michael Davenport. MBE (UK) 

“Oh no ! Not you too ! Who will be left ?”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Greetings Bro. Amb. Michael. Change a Constant. Myself & Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, Families, Teams and Great UK Nation.”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Michael Davenport. MBE (UK) 

“ Oh my goodness, what a sad moment. We will miss your joy and your energy, both of you. And your ability to be so creative in your diplomatic work, engaging hearts as well as minds. You have been wonderful colleagues here and will be sorely missed. Good luck for your next adventure !”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“ Esteemed Bro. Amb. Michael. Thank You for most caring comments. This is my Global Number. We will be ONE SMS away. Smile. Our Continuing Best Wishes to You, Sister Dr Lavinia, Family and the Great Nation of United Kingdom. UK. With Almighty’s Graces”

Mr. Tarek AL-Aleryan, Hala Kuwait TV Announcer & Producer (KTV2).

“You and your wife will be missed. Very nice couple and I learned a lot from you”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams. Bro. Tarek. We are Brothers for Life. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Continuing Duas for You & Families. Allah O Akbar”

Reply from: Mr. Tarek AL-Aleryan (KTV 2)

“You will be missed dear brother, I would like to have a phone call with you if you like on the program Hala Kuwait this Sunday to talk about your stay in kuwait. Is that possible?”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams. Bro. Tarek. KTV 2. Will miss You too. Yes. Yes. Yes. Time. My Honor. Delight. Joys. Insha Allah.”

Mr. John D’Silva Tailoring In-Charge (Bhasin Co. W.L.L. )

“His Excellency, congratulations on your appointment and wish you all the success in your new endeavour. God bless you in everything you do.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Greetings Bro. John. Thanks. Best Wishes to You & Families”

Mr. Najeeb Al-Menifi (Eng DIr. ALARFAJ Group).

“It was an honor to meet you Dr. Shamir and Dr Maryanna.
Wish you all the best.
Please keep in touch, we might have the honor to visit you one day.
You are a distinguished Ambassador for your country..
All the best”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams Brother Najeeb. Thanks for Your good wishes. This is my Global Number. Will stay in touch. Continuing Duas to You & Families”

Reply from: Mr. Najeeb Al-Menifi

Thank you dear Ambassador and best wishes for you and your family.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Najeeb. Thanks. Best Wishes to You, Families, Teams & Alarfaj Group. Insha Allah

Dr. Merrill Anderson Ashcraft.

Virginia, USA.

“Amazing accomplishments. Congratulations”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Thanks, Dr. Merrill. Blessings to You, John, Families & Pets”

“How honored. You made a difference in the world.”

Reply from: Dr. Merrill Anderson Ashcraft.

“So sweet I know how they feel. I felt sad when you left and look forward to seeing you and Maryann once it’s safe.”

Mr. Saleh AL Obadi (KTV 2)


“Wallah that made me sad. Best of luck to you in the future, and it was a big honor to meet you. Truly, you were one of the best diplomats that I met. Mashalla to you”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams. Bro. Saleh. Do not be Sad. Change a Constant. This is my Global Number. We are Brothers for Life. Thanks for Most Gracious Words”

H.E. Ambassador Igor Hajdusek (Slovak Republic).

” Dear brother I read your message sad info leaving us we ll miss you and Maryann hope to see you before leaving KW”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Greetings from MoFA Brother Amb Igor. Flight departs 11 Aug. 5:10 AM. Best Wishes to You & Families”

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Igor Hajdusek (Slovak Republic).

“Dear Brother Shamir it was honour pleasure and privilege to meet you and to be with you in KW I wish you and your family all the best”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Esteemed Brother Igor. Amen. Thanks. Continuing Best Wishes to You, Families & Great Nation of Slovak Republic”

H.E. Amal Mejren AL-Hamad (Asst Foreign Minister. Economic Affairs)

State of Kuwait

“Gm Ambassador,
Have you left already. Happy returns… we will miss you”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Esteemed. Hon Minister YE Amal. Jummah Mubarak. Thanks for Your Gracious Good Wishes. We will Miss You & Kuwait. DUAS for HH Father Amir’s Speedy Recovery. Best Wishes to You, Families & Teams. Insha Allah”

Friday, August 07, 2020

Page 02, Arab Times Newspaper

Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah meets Ambassador of the Republic of Guyana Dr. Shamir Ally

Mohammed A. Meghani, M. S. (CEO Petroleum PBD) & Mrs. Ra-Ana Gilani.

Letter from: Mr. Mohammed A. Meghani, M. S. (CEO Petroleum PBD) Mrs. Ra-Ana Gilani.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Esteemed Brother Mohammed. Thanks for Most Gracious Visit. Enjoyed our Global Conversations. Including Your 40 + Years of OIL experiences in Kuwait, Houston, Texas and Globally. Will introduce You to the NEW GY Team when their Email address becomes available. Huge Thanks for 3 Kuwait Gifts, Kashmiri Silk, Carrot Cake, Mangoes and Letter. All Highly Appreciated. Our Continuing DUAS for You, Ra-Ana and Families. Allah O Akbar.”

“Dr Maryann sends her best wishes and Thanks for the Gifts and Letter”

H.E. Ambassador Norton De Andrade Mello Rapesta (Brazil).

“ Hi my dear neighbor!
All the best in your new destination.
My best regards to you and Dr Maryann

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Greetings. Bro. Amb. Norton. Thank You. Dr Maryann & Dr Shamir send Our Regards to You, Family and Guyana’s Neighbour. The Great Nation of Brazil.”

T. Owen Verwey (CEO GO-Invest)

“Doc. Thank you. And best of everything on your return to Charlotte.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Greetings CEO Owen. Thanks. With Almighty’s Graces”

Past Ambassador Mr. Mzolisa Perseverance Bona (South Africa).

“Good day Excellency. Wow, time flies so fast , its like yesterday when you arrived in Kuwait and just when you are making tremendous strides, its time to go. My Dear Brother you have gonna beyond the call of duty. You’ve been an Excellent Envoy of Guyana in all respects. I am truly honoured to have served with you in Kuwait. You been such a good friend, colleague and brother. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. I’m sure our paths will cross again somewhere sometime. God’s blessing to you and Madam. 🌹🌹👏🏿👏🏿”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Esteemed Brother Amb Mzolisa. Thanks for Your Most Caring Comments. Amen. Agreed. Ditto. We will stay in touch. Best Wishes Forever to You, Sister Hazel, Family and the Great Nation of South Africa.”

Reply from: Past Ambassador Mr. Mzolisa Perseverance Bona

Bon Voyage my dearest brother and friend. Wheels up and travel safely home . We are proud and honoured to have had the opportunity to work and socialise with the wonderful professional and human being your are. Thanks to Dr Mary Maryann for being the unsung heroine in all your good endeavors. Best regards 👏🙌🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks for most gracious words. Yes. We were Family in Kuwait and Family Forever. Agreed on Dr Maryann, who knows know. Political Appointee. Contract ended. Government Lost the Elections. Our Continuing Love, Regards & Best Wishes to You, Sister Hazel & Families. Long Live South Africa. Long Live The African Continent. Long Live Guyana. With God, Bhuddha & Allah’s Graces, Will & Blessings.

Principal Mahesh Iyer (B Smart I S). BHAVANS

“Thank you for everything.🙏🙏we would love to be in touch with good hearts like you both always.🙏🙏💐💐”

“Was with ALL in Spirit. Jai Hind”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Brother Principal Mahesh. Thanks for Most Memorable Celebration at Bhavans Smart School. Kuwait. Our Best Wishes to All. Jai Hind

Eng. Raed AL Janabi (Mechanical Section Mgr. College of Aviation).

“Alssalamu Alikum your excellency,
What a pity that your mission is close to end and you and Dr. Mrs Maryann are going back to North Carolina.
My mother and I want to invite you and your wife for lunch In our house in Rumiythya when ever you like.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams Brother Eng. Raed. Thanks for most Gracious Words. 4 days to Flight. Much to be done at Villa. We will stay in touch. We are Family Forever. Our Best Wishes to Mom, You & Families with our Continuing Duas with Allah’s Graces”

Reply from: Eng. Raed AL Janabi

God bless you Dr Shamir and Dr Maryann it was an honor to know you and meet you, safe flight and hope to see you soon when I come to Los Angeles. Regards form my mom and sisters and from me.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Eng. Raed from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks to You, Mom & Families For all the many Courtesies, Dinners, College of Aviation Courtesy Visit et al. We will forever treasure. This is my Global iPhone. Yes to meet in USA. Love, Regards, & Blessings to You, Mom
& Families Forever. Insha Allah

Saeed Dhafir Al-Qahtani (Qatar Counsellor).

“We will miss you too much my friend”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams Brother Your Excellency Saeed. Will miss You also. This is my Global Number. We will stay in Touch. Continuing Duas for You, Families, Teams and the Great Nation of QATAR, with Allah’s Graces.”

Tariq Iqbal (Voop Media & Ambassador Magazine) Pakistan.

“ Your Excellency and Dr. Maryann the news and the press release you sent to me about your tenure is being ended. This is not acceptable we are deeply love with you – don’t tell me us. Off course our relationship are much enjoyed but Your Excellency when have you plan to proceed to USA. Your Excellency May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open the doors of success now and always… Yuum e Arafat &

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak, Tariq Iqbal”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Brother Tariq. We will stay in touch. This is my Global Number. Thanks for your most gracious words. Long Live Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad. Long Live HH Our Father Amir. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana. Allah O Akbar

Reply from: Tariq Iqbal (Voop Media & Ambassador Magazine)

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Greetings. Thanks. Best Wishes to ALL. Forever. Onward & Upward

Dr. Suraj Vezhaparambil Davis, MBBS, DVD, DNB, MD, AAAM.

“ Noooo….thats sad for all of us…Cant believe..we just started nurturing our wonderful friendship..and this is a big blow to this society. Eid Mubarak to you and your family and people of Guyana. GM H.E. Amb. Prof. I hope all is good with you. I am sure you must be extremely busy. I can understand The sudden quietness from your side. Take care. And have a great day”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Ram Ram Brother Dr Suraj. Full Focus. Container. Farewell Meetings. Closing items. 11 August. Wheels Up”

Dr. Fatma AL-Thallab (Head. Kuwait Society For Inventors Support.

“Morning his highness the ambassador of GUYANA Dr. Shamir
It is of my pleasure knowing y though it was so short , i hope y enjoy your stay in Kuwait
We look forward to continue our communication
Dr Fatma Al-Thallab, Head of Kuwait society for inventor support”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams Sister Dr. Fatma. Thanks for your kind comments. Yes. We will stay in touch. Blessings Forever”

Ayed M. AL Ajmi (PR Kuwait Camel Racing Club)

“Your Excellency, hearing that your mission is ending soon wasn’t a good news for me at least..I think you done a great job as an Ambassador.. GUYANA is will known now for most Kuwaities thanks to your continues work. also your relationship with everybody knowing and sharing the multicultural activities was outstanding.. and for me I know many diplonatics.. but you were like my old brother..that how i felt with you.. Your Excellency. all the best to you and Dr Maryann and greetings in this holy days Eid Mubarak.💐
your brtoher. Ayed Alajmi”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Esteemed Brother Ayed. Thanks for most gracious comments. We are Family for Life. We will stay in touch with Technologies. Dr. Maryann sends her Regards to You, Adorable Children & Families. Continuing Duas with Allah’s Bountiful Blessings Forever”

Lisa Huston,

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

I’m sure those memories and experiences you will cherish forever!
You will be missed by all, now it’s time to join Maryann in NC. When will you be back in the states?
Safe travel Shamir
Much love, Lisa”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Greetings Lisa. Agreed. Amen. Thanks. August 11. Regards to Brother Dan, Yourself, Mom, Mother in Law & Families. Tons of Love to ALL including Pets”

Maher & Al Zaina Radhan AL-Baloul (Previous Neighbor in Mishref).

“A very Good evening to you Dr. Shamir and your wife Dr. Maryann
You and your wife where one of a kind neighbors.
Unfortunately you had left the house due to (some water leak)
But my wife and my self will always remember your kindness and smile in early morning.
We wish you both all the best in your future life and pace
May Allah keep both safe.
We will never forgive you as long as we live.

Al Zaina & Maher”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Thank you for being such kind neighbors. May Allah continue to bless you and yours.”

“Salaams. We are family Forever. Continuing Duas with Allah’s Grace to You both and Families. We Love Kuwait. Long Live HH Our Father Amir. Ruling Families. Ministers. & Kuwaitis. Long Live Kuwait.”

Prof. Dr. Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, CCH. New York. USA

“ Dear esteemed brother Ambasssdor. Your service over the four years has been exemplary. Blessings to you and Maryann!”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Esteemed Bro. Prof. Dr Ivelaw. Thanks for Most Gracious Words. Continuing Duas Blessings to You, Mrs. Francille & Families.

Salaudeen Nausrudeen, BS. New York & Florida, USA.

“ May Allah reward your for your tenure. Let me Know when you are here.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Mubarak Eid. Thanks Aug 13. NC. Insha Allah

Dr. Afrah Jaafar Mulla Ali (Spanish Interpreter)

“Your excellency it was great honor
I’m sad , Wish too see you”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Thanks. Allah is The Greatest

Beverley Alert. GUYANA. DPI.

“Prof. U have served with distinction.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings. Bev. Thank You. Continuing Blessings to You and Families. Forever

Prof Dr. M. Abubaker (Principal SIS).

United Arab Emirates

“Wishing you all the best and pray Almighty Allah to bless you and your family members with the best of health, happiness, success and long life. Ameen”

“We pray Almighty God to bless you and your family members with the best of health, happiness, success and long life. Ameen”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Bro. Prof. MA. Thank You. Allah’s Vessels. Ameen

Salaams Bro. Prof. M. Abubaker. Ameen. Thanks. Best Wishes to You & Families. Insha Allah.


Dale George

Virginia, USA

“Good morning Ambassador I’m sorry to hear that you have done so much for Guyana and Kuwait they are truly losing a wonderful representative. But I trust and believe that you already know this and as one door close an exciting new one presents itself. I have no doubt that you and Dr. Maryann will continue to do great work where ever you go. I hope in the future we continue our friendship and watch each other grow.

God bless!”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings. Dale. Our Thanks for most gracious words. Yes. God is the Master. Agreed. Yes. This is my Global
Number. Continuing Blessings to You, Dad & Families

Nigel and Roylyn Jason (Florida – AFC Chapter).

Florida, USA

“Well done my friend, well done.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Bro. Nigel and Sister Roylyn. Thanks

Mr. Osama Deyab (Al-Anba. Journalist In Charge Of Political & Diplomatic Affairs)

“ We will never forget you. They were 4 fruitful years”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaam Brother Osama. Thanks. You helped greatly with AL ANBA Newspapers Coverages on Guyana. We will stay in touch. Insha Allah

Reply from: Mr. Osama Deyab

“Salaam excellency, It was an honour to work with you.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Walikum Salaam. Brother Osama. You are an ASSET to AL ANBA. Guyana Benefitted. We will Forever Remember Your Cool, Calm. Collected Interviews and Coverages. Allah O Akbar.”

H.E. Ambassador Zainul Abidin bin Mohamed Rasheed (Singapore)

Nice photo. Cheers, Excellency.

August 09, 2020 – The Times Kuwait article: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally and Dr. Maryann Beebe Ally

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Bro Amb Zainul. Thanks

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Zainul Abidin bin Mohamed Rasheed

Dear Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann, Safe Journey, Going Forward, InshaaAllah. 🤲👍🤲

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from Charlotte. NC. USA. Esteemed Brother Amb. Zainul. Thanks. Our Continuing Best Wishes to You, Families and Outstanding Visionary Leaders in Singapore with Plans, Executions & Leadership. Allah O Akbar

Jassim Al Hajji (NBK Asst GM Corporate)

“ 🙏🏻 we are going to miss you 😘”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Jassim. We will miss You also. Continuing Duas. We will stay in touch

H.E. Ambassador Reem Mohammad Al-Khaled (Kuwait to Ottawa, Canada).

“Sallams. Kuwait Immediate Past Asst. Foreign Minister Americas. NOW Ambassador to Ottawa. CANADA. Her Excellency Amb. Reem. Many Thanks for Your Most Caring, Complimentary and Concise Phone Call on Guyana’s Embassy Outstanding Performances, Achievements & Accomplishments. Also Your Regards to Dr. Maryann. We do appreciate. Allah O Akbar”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Our Best Wishes for Your Outstanding Successes in Ottawa, Canada and Continuing DUAS Blessings, to You, Families and Teams. Insha Allah

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Reem Mohammad Al-Khaled

All the best Ambassador to you & Marian. Safe travels back home & hope to see you sometime soon. Stay safe & healthy 🙏🏼🌺

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Your Excellency. Amb. Reem. Thanks. Yes. We will meet. Insha Allah

HE Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser AL-Mohammed AL-Sabah (Minister Of Foreign Affairs).

His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Ahmed received
Nasser Al-Muhammad Al-Sabah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today Sunday Corresponding to 9 August 2020 in the General Office of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, His Excellency Dr. Shamir Ally, Ambassador
The friendly Cooperative Republic of Guyana, in the occasion of the end of his term as an Ambassador of his country to the State of Kuwait, for which His Excellency praised during the meeting the efforts of the ambassador and his contributions that he made in the context of strengthening or consolidating bilateral relations between the two friendly countries. The meeting was attended by Ambassador Saleh Salem Al-Loughani
Assistant Foreign Minister for Minister’s Office Affairs

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams Your Excellency Hon. Minister Of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Dr. Ahmad. Many Thanks for Your Most Gracious Welcome, Commendations and Best Wishes. We are delighted that You & Teams are working on the Kuwait Embassy in Guyana, Logistics and Kuwait’s Note Verbal will be sent. Insha Allah.”

“Many Thanks for Your Complimentary Comments on Guyana Embassy’s Recycling Program; Guinness World Record in the Names of Guyana & Kuwait; and Guyana’s active OIC attendances’ participation.”

“Thanks for Your Most Gracious Comments to Dr. Maryann & Dr. Shamir and that WE Both will Forever Be Welcome to Visit Kuwait, OUR Second Home”

“Do Convey to His Highness Dad, Brother Dr Salah & Families Our Regards, Best Wishes and Continuing Duas”

“Dr. Shamir and Wife Dr. Maryann enjoyed OUR Relationships which WE will remember Forever. Our Continuing Love, Regards and Best Wishes to You and Family. Our LOVE, DUAS, & PRAISES will be FOREVER, for Our Father HH Amir’s Speedy Recovery, HIs Highnesses, HH Crown Prince, HHs Prime Ministers, Ruling Families, Ministers, Government & People of Kuwait. 17 th August 2020 will be 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Kuwait & Guyana. TWO Brotherly & Sisterly Countries. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana. Allah O Akbar Allah O Akbar Allah O Akbar”

Ghassan Amin (Photographer. Times Kuwait).

“Good morning, Ambassador. Your work will end as an ambassador in the State of Kuwait and no vacation to Guyana”

“By God, I am upset because you were a brother and friend. I am proud to know him and the doctor’s knowledge. Thank you for everything you have provided me.”

“Your Excellency the Ambassador, I request a request from you, before traveling, tell me, I will bid you farewell, because you are a respectable and dear person”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

“Salaams. Bro Ghassan. Government LOST Elections. So END of Service. NEW Government. 1. This morning MoFA . 2. Pack 4 Suitcases. 3. KIA Departure.”

“This is my Global Number. Will stay in Touch. Allah is the Greatest”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Sister Najida. Thanks. Most Memorable. Moments. Forever

Devesh Kumar (School. RM Life Institue : “Maurya Kala Parisar”).

“Respected sir
Read the news that you will soon be leaving Kuwait.
This is sad news personally for me. Your charming and warm personality has impacted me a lot.
we always felt the warmth of great friend whenever we met you.
I was supposed to dig out your ancestral roots from Daltonganj which I will try when I will be back to India after completion of my deputation period in Kuwait.
Hope you will keep me in your memories and I request for your new contact details and number so that I can remain in touch with great friends like his excellency Shamir sir 🙏🙏”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram. Bro. Devesh. We will stay in touch. This is my Global Number. Yes. Most Memorable Moments.

H.E. Ambassador Miguel Angel Isidro (Mexico)

Dear Shamir, I am very sorry we couldn´t meet before your departure from Kuwait. I understand that you will travel tomorrow. Anyway, I hope that this message will still reach you, to express you my gratitude for your friendship. I wish you and MaryAnn all the best for the future. Bon voyage my friend.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Hola Bro. Amb. Miguel. Understand. OK. Amen. Agreed. Our Friendship
Is Forever. Continued Blessings to You. Patricia & Families.

Past Ambassador Prof. Sri Sunil Jain (India)

It is ironic that your farewell from Kuwait coincides with arrival of new Indian Ambassador. WE WILL MISS YOU I ALWAYS.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Good luck! Brother.

Past Ambassador Prof. Sri Sunil Jain (India)

“It is ironic that your farewell from Kuwait coincides with the arrival of new Indian Ambassador. WE WILL MISS YOU I ALWAYS. Good luck! Brother.”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram. Bro. Amb. Prof. Sunil Ji. Thanks. Bhagwan’s Will Will Be done. Regards to You, Dr. Gargi & Families

Abubakar Al Hassan Ibrahim ( Kuwait Re Cameroonians)

We really miss H.E. Professor Ambassador Dr.  Shamir Ally and his wife Dr. Maryann. But In Shaa Allah, The impact of their legacy will remain here forever.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Bro. Abubakar. Thanks. Ok. Insha Allah. Will stay in touch

Vivek V. Joshi (USA First Secty DC, Economic Section. Kuwait)

Farewell to you and Maryann! I hope you and your family are keeping well and healthy! It was a pleasure getting to know the both of you! All the best in your future endeavors! Vivek Joshi – US Embassy

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Brother Vivek. Thanks. Best Wishes to You & Families

Muhammad Afzal Shafi (Mgr AHLI Bank) Lahore TV

Assalam o Alaikum

May ALLAH bless you and your family all happiness.

Kind regards
Afzal Shafi

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Brother. Muhammad. Thanks. Allah O Akbar

Salaams Brother. Muhammad. Blessed Independence Day. Pakistan Zindabad. Allah O Akbar

Reply from: Muhammad Afzal Shafi

Your Excellency I was informed about your transfer after your departure. I wish I could see you off at the airport..Are you taking up Ambassador’s position in USA? Please be in touch and send me your local telephone number so that occasionally we could have a chat. Stay blessed and take care.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Resnding from above here

Political Appointee. Contract ended. NEW Government

This is my Global iPhone. We can stay in touch.

Pakistan Zindabad

Reply from: Muhammad Afzal Shafi

Thank you my dear..My regards to Dr. Mariam. I am sure you are better placed.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Muhammad. Thanks for good wishes. 4 years tenure ended. Departure was fast. Same Global iPhone. Yes. We can stay in touch. NEW Government to appoint Ambassadors in Due Course. Insha Allah

Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann sends their Best Wishes to You & Families Forever

Abdullah Kh. AL-Musaibeeh (KFAED. RM For Arab Countries) Past Regional Manager For Latin America & Caribbean Countries Operations Department,  KFAED.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Nice interview
God bless
Allah O Akbar
Allah O Akbar
Allah O Akbar

Sadiq A. Al-Mutawa (Chairman & CEO)

“Excellency Dr. Shamir Ally, The Ambassador of Guyana-South America has completed his Mission in the State of Kuwait. A last click before departure. Always remember in our hearts”

Really so sorry to see you leaving.. unfortunately we will not able to make you farewell party because of corona.. we wish best of luck for your new assignment.. to serve your country.. with great and prosperity of life 🍀🌹🍀

You done great jobs in Kuwait for your country 👍👍

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Sadiq. Thanks. With You and Madam Vera, MBE Support. Will stay in touch. DUAS Blessings Forever. Dr. Maryann sends Hers & Our Love to You & Vera MBE.

H.E Ambassador Alhaji Ahmed-Rufai Yahaya IDDI (Ghana)

Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu

This is a message to wish you Allah’s traveling mercies as you are a couple of hours away from departing Kuwait after serving your Country and serving it well. The entire diplomatic fraternity in Kuwait are going to miss you so much especially those of us who were still drinking from your fountain wisdom and experience.

We are hoping and praying that one day our paths will cross again. Please give your wonderful spouse who was a friend to all my profound regards. Have a safe flight and Allah bless.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaam 🙏🏿🙏🏿🌹

Salaams Esteemed Brother Amb. Alhaji Ahmed. Thanks for the most gracious words. We Learn from Each Other with Honor, Joys and Respect. Onward & Upward. Press On. Sky the Limit. Allah O Akbar

Dr. Maryann sends Her Love to You & Families with Abundant Joys, Fun & Successes. Dr. Maryann was with a Tower of Ideas, Support and Assistances to the Guyana Embassy in Kuwait

Prof. Dr. Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, CCH.

New York, USA

Dear esteemed brother Ambassador. Your service over the four years has been exemplary. Blessings to you and Maryann!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Esteemed Bro. Prof. Dr. Ivelaw. Thanks for Most Gracious Words. Continuing Duas Blessings to You, Mrs. Francille & Families.

Reply from: Prof. Dr. Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, CCH.

Thanks for the highly esteemed diplomatic representation of our native land and I trust Allah guided the return journey of you and Maryann with His guiding hand. As well, birthday greetings brother Leo.🎂

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother LEO Prof. Dr. Ivelaw. Many thanks for your most gracious comments. Yes for return to Charlotte. NC. Thanks for Birthday greetings. Yes for Almighty’s Graces. Onward & Upward.

Dr. Khansa AL Badar & Family. Villa # 47 Neighbour at AL Zahra

May god bless you and your family we will miss our kind neighbors

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Dr. Khansa. We will miss You & Family. Allah’s Abundant Blessings Forever. Allah O Akbar

Reply from: Dr. Khansa AL Badar & Family

Thanx we will miss you

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. We will miss You all. Allah’s Abundant Blessings to You & Families Forever

Ahmad AL-Saleh (GBD E&G). Global Business Director. Ethylene Glycol. EQUATE

Dear brother Excellency Dr Shamir Ally,
I hope you had a blessed Eid Al-Adha holiday. I just learned that you have completed your assignment in Kuwait, and I wanted to send you my sincere best wishes in your future endeavor and let you know that you will continue to have friends here in Kuwait. Unfortunately, the circumstances prevents us from social gatherings, yet I wanted to make sure to send you this friendly message and hoping to continue to keep in touch.
Best Regards
Ahmad Al-Saleh

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Esteemed Brother Ahmad. Thanks for very caring wishes. We do appreciate. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Allah’s Blessings to You & Families

Ambassador Ahmed Sareer (Amb.; Director. Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. OIC)

Congratulations following a Muslim assuming President in Guyana for the first time.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Brother Amb. Ahmed. Yes. Allah’s Graces with Guyanese Voters Votes. Blessings Forever

Reply from: Ambassador Ahmed Sareer

Masha Allah. Wish you and family the best in your next journey in life. Hope u assume an important portfolio in the new government InshaAllah.
Warm regards, Ahmed

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Ahmed. Greetings from
Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. NEW Government’s Decision. Our Best Wishes to You, & Families. Insha Allah

Ambassador Ahmed Sareer (Amb.; Director. Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. OIC)

Congratulations following a Muslim assuming President in Guyana for the first time.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Brother Amb. Ahmed. Yes. Allah’s Graces with Guyanese Voters Votes. Blessings Forever

Dr. Abdullah Abbas Buweir (Writer. Researcher. Martyrs. Rulers Bio)

الله يحفظكم من كل شر اخوي. اخوي العزيز الله لا يحرمنا منك سعادة السفير البريفسور الدكتور شمير علي الله اكبر يحفظكم من كل شر امين

May Allah protect you from all evil my dear brother, My dear brother, May Allah not deprive us of you Your Excellency Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ali, Allah O Akbar, May he protect you from all evil. Ameen

 Dr. Mustafa Yacoub BEHBEHANI (Chairman Kuwaiti Gulf Group)

H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally and Dr. Mustafa Yacoub Behbehani

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Dr Mustafa. Thanks for Your Continuing Friendship to Myself & Dr. Maryann from Day 3 of our Arrival in Kuwait 4 years ago

Deliriously Delighted was able to spend 70 Minutes with You & Staff at Your NEW Office Tower with Spectacular Kuwait City Views

Our Appreciations for Your Continuing Efforts to Promote “‘Kuwait-Guyana Friendship Group among Kuwaitis

Dr. Gerry Fitzgerald Yaw, Jr.(Consultant). GUYANA & Globally

Best wishes my esteemed brother and sincerely look forward to keeping in touch. Highest regards

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Dr. Gerry. Yes. Agreed. Thanks. Best Wishes to You & Families

Hon. Yldiz Pollack-Beighle (Minister Of Foreign Affairs. Suriname)

Hello ambassador, Great to hear from you all the best.

Let’s stay in contact

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Hon Minister Yidiz. Thanks. Yes will stay in touch. This is my Global Number. Best Wishes Forever

Amb. Dr. Hong Youngki (South Korea)

So soon! When are you going to leave, your excellency?

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Amb. Dr. Hong. Greetings from 33,000 feet in the Air over Turkey to Dallas Texas then to our residence Charlotte, North Carolina. USA

4 years ended. This is my Global Number. We Will stay in touch. Our Best Wishes to You, Madam Kim Hyojin, Families and the Great Nation of South Korea

Lourdeth FERGUSON (50 th. NYC). New York. USA

Dr. Shamir, thank you for your service and for always keeping me abreast of your work in Kuwait. I wish you and Lady Maryann all the very best. Do keep in touch. Lourdeth.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Sister Lourdeth. Thanks for gracious words. This iPhone is my Global Number. YES. We will stay in touch. Best Wishes Forever

David Philly Desmond Joanna Martell Noah and Nathan with Maggie. Pets Dante & Lexis Thomas

Hello bro! So sorry to hear that you have to leave. But Kuwait, it is hard to forget your excellent job. Best of luck!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Bro. David. Thanks. CHANGE a constant. We press on. Best Wishes Forever to You, Philly & Families

H.E. Ambassador Chintushig Zorigt (Amb. Mongolia)

Excellency, I wish you all the best for your future endeavors. I am honoured to meet you during your time here in Kuwait. Wish you happiness and success. May God bless you.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Amb. Chintushig. Thanks for Gracious Comments. Dr. Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, Madam. Solongo, Families and Historic Nation of Mongolia

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Chintushig Zorigt

Dear brother, Excellency Mr. Samy. Wishing you all the best again, I hope we will remain friends in future. Thank you for your kind words. Please consider me as your friend on whom you can always relay. It was my honour.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Amb. Chintushig. We are Family Forever. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in
Touch. Dr. Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, Madam. Solongo, Families and Historic Nation of Mongolia

Dr. N. K. Ramachandran Menon ( Chairman Bhavans. Owner 13 Schools in GCC)

Thank you so much sir 🙏🏽, You are always an inspiration for all of us, Stay blessed and safe always 🌹🙏🏽🌹🙏🏽.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Brother Chairman Dr NKRM. Thanks for compliments. You are the Visionary with Team, Plan & Resources at Bhavans with 13 Schools in GCC with Outstanding Sucesses. Bhagwan, God, Allah, Bhuddha & Ya’s Continued Blessings to You, Mrs Sudha, Sooraj, Divya, Families, Principals & Teams. Ameen

Reply from: Dr. N. K. Ramachandran Menon

God bless you always sir 🙏🏽 blessings from all superpowers will be always with you and madam 🌹🙏🏽🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram. Brother Dr NKRM. Thanks for Gracious Wishes. We are Family. Will stay in touch. Best Wishes to You, Mrs. Sudha, Sooraj, Divya, Families, and Principals at Outstanding Performances at Bhavans Group of Top Performing Schools. Jai Hind

Dr. Arthur Seakhoa-King (ACK. DEAN :School Of Business)

This is very sad news. One of the best Ambassadors i have met. You will missed by many people in Kuwait.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother DEAN Dr. Arthur. Thanks for caring words of encouragement. Best Wishes to You, Families, ACK Leadership & Students. We may meet in Malaysia OR Zimbabwe. Smile .

Markos Williams (Chairman KIBC) Indian Business Council

Memories don’t leave , like people do . They always stay with you .
You were an extraordinary Plenipotentiary. I’m proud to have know you and Marian . I will cherish our interaction over the years . In the last two decades I’ve been in this country I’ve never know anyone as active as you . All the best Sir .

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Namaste Brother Markos. Thanks for most Gracious words. We will stay in touch. Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes to You & Families Forever

Prof. Dr. Bakhromjon Aloev (Uzbekistan)

Dear colleague, friend,
It was big pleasure to have a good relationship with you and your wife during your mission in Kuwait. I wish you and your family all the best, good helth and successes in your new job and private life. You are welcome to Uzbekistan any time.
Best regards.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother. Amb. Prof. Dr. Bakhromjon. Thanks for compliments. We do appreciate. Huge Thanks for Cordial Invitation to visit Exotic Uzbekistan. Dr. Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, First Lady & Families

Prof. Virginia Van Hest Bastaki (Kuwait U)

Hello Dr Shamir
I am sorry to hear you and Maryann are leaving. I believe Maryann is still in the US. When will you be going?

“Hello Dr Shamir
We are so sorry to see you and Maryann leave. We are blessed to have known you both. We wish you all the best. We hope our paths cross again.
Virginia and Ahmad Bastaki”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Sister Professor Virginia. Greetings from Qatar Airways Flight 37,000 feet over Turkey to Dallas. Texas then to Charlotte North Carolina by Midnight tonight Tuesday 11 Aug

Our Best Wishes Forever to You, Brother Ahmad & Families

“Greetings Sister Prof. Virginia. Yes agreed. We will miss seeing You & Brother Ahmad. Shamir & Maryann sends Our Love to You Both. Thanks for Good Wishes. Yes. We will meet. With Almighty’s Graces.”

EL HAM ALI -UN Habitat. Kuwait

It’s an honour to meet you sir, wishing you all the best and safe return 🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Thanks. Insha Allah

LANKA. Sri Lanka.

Thank you very much sir. I wish you all the best. future life comes to the success.both of you always remind in my heart.i bless you triple gems in budhdha. thankyou very much for what you did for us.i wish you happiness and peaceful long life.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Lanka. Thanks. Bhuddha’s Blessings to You & Families.

H. E. Dr. Khalid M. AL-Khalifa (Founder, Chairman. Univ College Of Bahrain)

Kindly keep my contact with you and keep in touch …
Wish you best of luck ..

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Esteemed Brother Your Excellency Dr. Khalid. Yes. Will stay in touch. This is my Global iPhone. Thanks for Wishes. Best Wishes for Your Prijects’ Successes in the Great Nation of BAHRAIN with Allah’s Abundant Blessings. Insha Allah

H.E. Ambassador Louis-Pierre Emond (Canada)

We are sad to see you go. We wish you all the best. Stay healthyv

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Amb Louis-Pierre. Thanks for Your kind wishes. Will do. Our Best Wishes to You, Madam Araki Satoko, Families and Great Nation of CANADA

Mubarak AL-Harbi (MD. GEGTC. AL Fintas)

Good morning,
Are you going to renew another years or not?

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. 4 Years ended. New Government will make their Choices. Now 37,000 feet in the Air on Qatar Airways to Dallas Texas then to Our Residence in Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. . Our Continuing Best Wishes to You & Families with Allah’s Abundant Blessings Forever.

H.E. Ambassador Mehmet Metin Eker (Turkey OIC PR HoM. Jeddah. KSA)

Eid Mubarak! And all the best to you in your new assignment Dr.  Ambassador.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Mubarak Eid. Brother Amb. Mehmet. Thanks. Best Wishes to You, Families and the Great Nations of Turkey and Saudi Arabia With Allah’s Blessings. Allah O Akbar

Dr. Atilla Karaman (Director. OIC. SECRIC. Turkey)

Excellency, I am sorry to learn about your end of tenure soon. I have been glad to have your acquaintance. I hope that we can continue our communication. Please accept in advance my best wishes for the approaching Eid-Al-Adha.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Esteemed Brother Dr. Atilla. Allah’s Will Will Be Done. This is my Global iPhone. Yes. We will stay in touch. Thanks for Best Wishes. Mubarak Eid. Best Wishes to You, Families, OIC. SECRIC. and the Great Nation of Turkey. Allah Is The Greatest. Ameen. Allah O Akbar

H.E. Ambassador Claudia Alexandra Zampieri (Argentina)

Dear Shamir, we are going to miss you and Maryann. I wish you all the best for this new chapter in your lives!

Good luck Shamir. It was a pleasure sharing with you and Maryann great moments in Kuwait 🇰🇼. Warmest regards!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Sister Amb. Claudia. Many thanks for Best Wishes. Amen. We are family. This is my Global iPhone. We can stay in touch. Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, Husband & Families. Long Live Argentina

Esteemed Sister YE Claudia. Greetings from 37,000 feet in the air on way to Dallas Texas then to our Residence in Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Yes agreed. We shared Memorable Moments. Our Best Wishes to You, Husband, Families and the Great Nation of Argentina. With Almighty’s Guides, Graces & Blessings.

Dr. Douglas Michele Turco, Ph.D. New Mexico. USA

Welcome back, Shamir! Congratulations on a successful four year run in Kuwait. Rest up. Best, Douglas

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Brother Dr. Douglas Thanks. Amen. Our Regards to You & Families

Dr. Louis, Caryn, Benjamin & Sophie SPEIZER

Congratulations Shamir to you and Maryann for all the tremendous work and efforts as Ambassador to Kuwait!!! Welcome back!!!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Shalom Dr. Louis. Thank You for most gracious comments. Best Wishes to You, Caryn, Benjamin, Sophie, Pets & Families. LaChaim

VOOP media team

Guyana Ambassador’s Good-Bye from Kuwait – “Never  Say Good Bye”

His Excellency had completed his wonderful tenure as a diplomat in Kuwait for 4 Years.
Much Support

Principal Premkumar (Indian School. BHAVANS)

Will miss both of you 🙏🏼 We shall always cherish the time we spent here in kuwait. May God the almighty continue to shower his blessings on you both 🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Brother Principal Premkumar. Agreed. Most Memorable Memories at Your School with You, Staff, and Students. Thanks for Blessings. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes Forever to ALL with Bhagwan, God & Allah’s Graces, Will & Guides.

Reaven D’souza (Managing Editor. The Times Kuwait. Newspapers)

🙏🙏👍👍 it was a pleasure to meet and thankful our destinies crossed

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Reaven. Agreed. Thanks for the many Courtesies, Receptions, Indian Music, Farewell Reception and Book of 4 Years’ Photos’ Memories. All are highly appreciated. Continued Blessings Forever to You, Madam Najida, Kiara, Rayan, Teams and Families.

Mohamed A Anwardeen (Driver,Guyana Embassy)

Thank you ambassador stay safe stay healthy & enjoy ALLAH BLESS Amb & Dr maryann

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Thanks. MH. Allah is the Greatest

Dharamdeo & Angela Rani Sawh. Past Guyana Minister.

Virginia, USA

Have a safe journey home. Thanks for all both of you have done and will continue to do. Have a good rest.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

1. Many Thanks 2. Today Day 2 in Charlotte, NC, USA 3. Yesterday. Day 1 in Charlotte. Long SLEEP after 19 days at 1 to 3 hours sleep daily in Kuwait. 4. Now Settling in. 5. Enjoying Return to Residence. 6. Continuing Blessings for Your Wellbeing, Fun & Successes Forever. 7. Amen.

John Aloysious and Vera Theresa Sawh. USDOS.

Washington DC & Virginia. USA

“Thanks for sharing. Safe trip home. What an experience-one to treasure
First get some rest”

“Happy Birthday
Best wishes
God’s blessings
I have been working from home since mid March
Take care stay safe and healthy
Enjoy a relax way of living in the USA

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Brother John. Thanks. Yes. Amen. Coronavirus a blessings for technologies. Yes. Health Safety # 1. Amen

 Vera Sawh. The Sawhs’ Group

Hi Shamir
Happy happy birthday 🎉🎁🎂
To you
Glad you are safely back home
Enjoy all the rest you can get because I know you will be on the go
Looking good at for your age
Enjoy your day
May God bless you always with good health and strength
Love ❤ always

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks Queen Vera. All with Almighty’s Graces. Love to You &
The Sawhs’ Group. Amen

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Sigurd Pacher (Austria)

Happy Birthday dear Amb. Dr. Shamir. Wish you all the best for settling in and for whatever endeavors await you next. It was a pleasure having met you and Maryann. We will always cherish our time together in Kuwait. All the best, good luck and stay safe. Sigurd and Nicole Pacher

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Bro Amb. Dr. Sigurd. Amen. Yes. Agreed. This is my Global iPhone. Will stay in touch. We are Brothers & Sisters for LIFE. Best Wishes at Work with Fun, Joys and Successes to You, Dr Nicole, Families, Teams and Great Nation of AUSTRIA.

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Sigurd Pacher

Indeed ! The world is a village and we are brothers and sisters

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Yes. Agreed. Ameen

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Sigurd Pacher

Long live Guyana.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks Bro. Amb. Dr. Sigurd. Long Live Austria. Long Live Kuwait

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Hong Youngki (South Korea)

Thank you for your kind message and your friendship during your stay. All the best for you and your wife in your new endeavor. Stay in touch!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Amb. Dr Hong. Pleasure. Thanks. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. We are Brothers and Sisters for Life Amen. Yes. Ameen

Greetings from Chatlotte, North Carolina. USA. Blessed. Happy. Successful NATIONAL DAY Aug 13 for the Great Nation of South Korea.

Ambassador Audrey Theresa Jardine Waddell CCH (Immediate Past DG MoFA Guyana)


I wish you continued success

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings from Charlotte, NC. USA. My 2 nd Day at Home. Thanks for gracious words.

Hon. Musa Sillah (IsDB Director Africa & Latin America)

Jeddah, Saudia Arabia

Farewell my dear brother and sister Excellences. It was a pleasure to have met you and known you. Thanks for the great hospitality extended to me during my visit to Kuwait. I will always remember that.
May the Almighty Allah be with you both and your family wherever you will be. I hope we will meet again one day.
All the best.

Please let’s stay in touch

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Excellency my dear brother. I’m very happy for you. Enjoy your time in your beautiful estate home in Charlotte, NC

This is my Global iPhone. Yes. We are Brothers for Life and will stay in touch. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann send our Best Wishes for Fun, Joys and Successes Forever to You, Families and Top Performing IsDB Teams. Insha Allah. Ameen. Allah O Akbar

Salaams Brother Your Excellency. Hon Musa. Our Honor, Delight & Joys for the Opportunity to Host You in Kuwait. IsDB, OIC, & KSA are strong supporters of Guyana. Special Thanks to You for Your Sterling Assistances from IsDB. Hoping the required Projects Feasibilities Studies will arrive at IsDB to use the USD $900 Million Credit Line & Grant. 2018-2022

Today AUG 13, my 2nd Day back home in Charlotte. NC. USA after 4 years Tenure in Kuwait. Ended.


Past Ambassador Ghulam Dastgir (Pakistan, Kuwait)

Thanks excellency. I wish you and Dr. Maryanna safe return home and best wishes for future.
Kuwait will definitely miss you.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Bro. Amb. Ghulam. Thanks. Political Appointee. 4 years ended. Opposition Party WON at Elections. NEW Government. 2nd Day. Aug 13. Back at Charlotte North Carolina. USA. Shamir & Maryann’s DUAS with Best Wishes Forever to You, Madam Zaibun & Families. Allah O Akbar

H.E. Ambassador Syed Sajjad Haider (Pakistan)

👍 Have a safe journey

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks Bro. Amb. Syed. Ameen. Allah O Akbar

H.E. Ambassador Dato Mohammad Ali Selamat (Malaysia)

Stay safe and healthy Dr Shamir and Dr Maryann


Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Dato Mohammad. Thanks

Am a Political Appointee. 4 years ended. Opposition Party WON at Elections. NEW Government. Now the 2nd Day. Aug 13. Back at Charlotte North Carolina. USA. Shamir & Maryann’s DUAS with Best Wishes Forever to You, Families and Great Nation of Malaysia. Allah’s Will Will Be Done.

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Dato Mohammad Ali Selamat

Congratulations Amb Prof. You have done very well for your country

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks Bro. Dato Mohammad. With Allah’s Graces

H.E. Ambassador Haji Ahmed Haji Jumat (Brunei)

Waalaikumussalam brother Amb. Dr. Shamir……Time running very fast…..we really going to miss you….Im just arrived in Kuwait and still in home quarantine…..after taking my annual leave in Brunei……My wife n I wish you n Dr. Maryann all the best..and May Allah bless you and your family

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Haji Ahmed. Thanks for Your Most Gracious Words. We will stay in touch. This is my Global iPhone. Our Best Wishes for Work with Fun, Joys & Successes Forever. Long Live the Great Nation of Brunei. Allah O Akbar

Am a Political Appointee. 4 years ended. Opposition Party WON at Elections. NEW Government. Am Now the 2nd Day. Aug 13. Back at Charlotte North Carolina. USA at Our Residence.

Past. Amb Muhammad Aslam Khan ( Pakistan)

AoA, Excellency it was real pleasure and great honour to meet and come to know this wonderful couple. We would always cherish memories of the amazing events we shared, though your posting to Kuwait came after I had retired as Anbassador of Pakistan. Wish you both good health and everything great in your next pursuits. Good to know you are moving to US. Who knows our paths may cross again in that great country. Bon voyage!
Stay safe and blessed.
Mumina and Muhammad Aslam Khan

Thanks a lot Excellency! Stay safe and blessed

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Bro. Past Amb. Muhammad. We enjoyed our Friendship. Yes. Lots of Most Memorable Experiences. We are Brothers & Sisters for Live. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. PAKISTAN Zindabad. Long Live Pakistan. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana. Insha Allah. Ameen. Allah O Akbar.

Hafiz Muhammad Shabbir (CEO, GM & Business Partner AL-Hafiz Co)

Thanks for your kind support and kindness always.
Wishing you a safe stay and fruitful life.
Thanks again for your continuous cooperation and assistance. I enjoyed your friendship.
Please let’s stay in contact permanently. Enjoy this life and hereafter

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

PAKISTAN Zindabad. Long Live Pakistan. Allah O Akbar.

14 August Pakistan 73 rd Independence Day

Mohammed A. Meghani, M. S. (CEO Petroleum PBD) Mrs. Ra-Ana Gilani

I can imagine the peace and joy you must be feeling reuniting with the family.

MaShaAllah brother; Happy Birthday! May Allah give you a long blessed life and fulfil all your dreams and duas. Keep me in your prayers.

Ra-Ana finally gets back to Kuwait on Thursday night, 20th July.

My regards to Dr. Maryann

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ameen. Yes. 100%. Yes Jummah & Continuing Duas for You, Ra-Ana & Familes. Superb News for Ra-Ana in Kuwait. We will stay in touch on the projects. Insha Allah. Ameen. Pakistan Zindabad. Dr. Maryann
sends Her Regards to You & Ra-Ana. We are together now at BMW Dealer

Shammas ZIA (Principal Pakistan Academy School)

Alslam o Alaikum
Stay blessed sir.
You had shared great memories. May Allah bless you with good health and a bright future.
Best regards

Thanks sir, Hopefully you and your family safe and fine.
Stay blessed.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Bro. Shammas. Yes for memories. Best Wishes to You, Families, School Faculty & Students.

Dr. Suraj Vezhaparambil Davis, MBBS, DVD, DNB, MD, AAAM. .

May you both and your families be blessed always. Have a wonderful flight..and greater success..wishing to see u soon again..

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram. Ram. Happy, Fun & Blessed 73rd Independence Day. Jai Hind

Namaste. Brother Dr. Suraj. Many thanks for caring wishes. Qatar Airways Flight with Ruling Families & Head of State Status, from Kuwait to Doha to Dallas Texas with Destination Charlotte, North Carolina. USA. Bhagwan. God & Allah’s Graces, Guides and Blessings to You &
Families Forever. Jai Hind

H.E. Ambassador Abdou Boubacar (Niger)

“Ah my brother and sister Dr Maryann . I am very Sorry that I did not see you at airport because I hope your travel it is in the morning. Any way I am very happy to stay with you in Kuwait since 4 year at a good friendly and I will remember you and Dr Maryann all times. Inchaallah we will meet together again in Niger 🇳🇪 or Guyana 🇬🇾 or USA 🇺🇸 . On the end when you arrive send me your phone and email or address for speak to you any time is you like . Thanks you and have a good trip”

“Good evening Excellency
Dr Shamir . I hope you arrived at your residence in Charlotte North Carolina , USA 🇺🇸
Juste to tell you hello and to your wife Dr Maryann . On the end we are good until now with this COVID 19.
Thanks you and best Regards
A. Boubacar
Ambassador of Niger”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Andou. Safe in Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. This is my Global Phone number, Whstsapp. Etc. We can stay in touch. Dr. Maryann
Sends her Best Wishes Forever.

Salaams Bro. Amb. Abdou. Thanks for most gracious words. We are family. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Insha Allah. Dr Shamir &
Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes Forever to You, Families and Niger. Allah O Akbar

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Abdou Boubacar

🙏 congratulations Excellency. This approved your succès in your diplomatic actions in KOWEIT

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Abdou. Thanks. With 7 KEYS daily during 4 Years Tenure. Vision. Team. Plan. Resources. Execution. Evaluation. Leadership.

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Abdou Boubacar

Alhamdoulillahi Excellency, god bless you and accepte your prayers Amin

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Amb. Abdou. Ameen. Allah O Akbar

H.E. Ambassador Abdool Halim Majeed. CCH (Cuba)

Excellency, Brother Shamir… Here’s wishing you all the best, now and in the future…

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Abdool. Thanks. Wishing You Fun, Joys & Successes Forever. Insha Allah

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Abdool Halim Majeed.

Brother Shamir…Asalaam o alaikum…I hope you are settling in well…I am taking it one day at a time…But I am preparing to return to Guyana…I will try to get something to do at UG…

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Amb. Abdool. Yes. Excellent Plan. Lets stay in touch. UG will be Fabulous. Ameen

Dr. Rajendra C. Mishra, MD. Royale Hayat Hospital. Kuwait

It was our immense pleasure to have met you two lovely friends. You will always remain a part of our family. Will always cherish your pleasant nature and humble being. Wishing you a very happy and successful journey ahead.
Please share your contact details and be in touch.
Next time when we are in USA will try to meet.
Warm regards and best Wishes
Dr. Rajendra C. Mishra

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Brother Dr. Rajendra. Thanks for Gracious Words. Yes. We are Family for Life. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Yes for meeting. Dr Maryann joins me in wishing You & Family the Best Forever. Jai Hind

Ashok Kalra ( Mughal Mahal Managing Director & Proprietor) India in Kuwait

All the best Ur Exellency , definitely we are going to miss u specially your smile . Hope to see u soon with your lovely wife. In Kuwait. 🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Namaste Bro. Ashok. Thanks for kind words. We are Family for Life. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann send our Best Wishes for Fun, Joys & Successes, to You, Mamta, Families and Top Performing Teams at Fabulous Mughal Mahal Group. Blessed 73 rd Independence Day. JAI HIND

Past Amb. Shri. K. Jeeva Sagar (India)

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram. Ram. Happy, Fun & Blessed 74 th Independence Day. Jai Hind

Dr. Surendra Nayak. MD. (President IDF)

Thank you so much HE Dr Shamir Ally. We will miss you in kuwait .Best wishes 🙏🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram. Brother Dr Surendra. Me too. BUT one click away. Smile. Jai

Dr. Jagernath MD (Dr Jack. Urologist) KUWAIT. Military. GOA, India

Happy to know that you have reached safe and sound.☺️

You have indeed left charismatic foot prints behind that resonate your love, affection and humility.

God bless you today and always 🙏🙏🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Namaste. Esteemed Brother Dr. Jack. We are Family Forever. Will stay in touch. This is my Global Number. Thanks for good wishes. Best Wishes to You & Families. Forever. Jai Hind

Robert Montgommery Persaud, BA, MBA. Past Minister of Natural Resources. Guyana

Blessings to both of you.

Raja Zafar, Pakistan Business Center.



Good morning

It’s nice to hear from you 🌹

May God bless you and your family 🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Raja. Thanks. Pakistan Zindabad

Babar Jaffrie. Kuwait Pakistani

Ma shallah

I just saw news.

I had great memories.

Congratulations on successful completion of your tenure in Kuwait.

My Salam and regards.

My regards to Dr. Maryann

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Babar. Thanks Pakistan Zindabad

Dr. Marlene Cox. University of Guyana

Dear Dr Shamir, 4 years ago you and yr wife began a new episode. You didn’t have to but thru yr messages/photos you let me be a part of that period. Thank you. I am of the firm view that you made a good impression of Guyana and many new friends. Hope you enjoyed the period. May God continue to be with you and yours, and bless all your endeavours. Kindest regards.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Sister Dr Marlene. Yes. We do remember our Luncheon at Pegasus with a Key Supporting US Embassy Officer. Yes. We gave outstanding services for Guyana documented in 237 Webpages. Empirical Evidences. Yes for many Officials & Friends. Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes to You & Families Forever

H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Moumin (Djibouti. DEAN Arabs Group)

Good trip my dear brother and I wish you happy and pleasant life.
Really the diplomatic corps in Kuwait will miss you and your very interesting activities which was good opportunity to meet each other.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Mohamed. Thanks for most gracious words. We delivered outstanding items to promote Guyana “Show, Tell & Know.” Best Wishes Forever to You, Families and Great Nation of Djibouti. Insha Allah

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Moumin

Our congratulation your Excellency my dear brother Saleman for excellent achievement.
Good continuation some where 💐

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Amb. Mohamed. Thanks. Ameen. We are ALL Allah’s Vessels

H.E. Ambassador Sheikh Abdou Lahad MBACKE ( Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. Senegal)

Dear brother we miss you already you and your respected wife Maryann wish you all the best and hope to see you in the future
GOD bless you all
Best regards

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Esteemed Brother DEAN Amb. Sheikh Abdou. Many Thanks for most kind words. Dr Maryann & Dr. Shamir’s Best Wishes, Love & Respect to You, Madam Memefaty, Families and the Great Nation of SENEGAL. Allah O Akbar

Long Live Senegal. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana

Ahmad Alhamoud AL-Shamari (KTV 2. KTV 1, Sports )

via: Voicenote

“Brother Shamir and Maryann, I love you both as great friends and family.

I feel sad that you went back home but i’m happy you are taking rest.

And going forward to your great future and looking forward to see you soon and you will always have a brother in Kuwait”

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Brother Ahmad. We are family for Life. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes Forever to You & Families. Continuing DUAS for Kuwaiti Martyr Your Dear Dad. “Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un”. “Verily we belong to God, and verily to Him do we return”. Allah O Akbar.

Mesaed AL-Sehali (Manager. Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company. KIPIC)

Dear Dr. Shamir & Dr. Maryann,

I would like to sincerely thank you for our invaluable friendship. It has  been my great pleasure to have spent the quality time together.
May God bless you and your family, Stay Safe!
Hope to see you in future & Keep in touch.

Best Regards,


Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Mesaed. Yes We are Family for Life. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes to You & Families Forever. Allah O Akbar

Hon. Catherine Andrea Hughes, MP, BA (Hons), MBA (Minister. Public Telecommunications ).

Take care!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Hon. Cathy. Thank You. Best Wishes to You, Nigel & Families

Past Amb. Murat Tamer (Turkey)

God Bless you dear Brother.🤲

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks. Bro. Amb. Murat.

Anjana Krishantha Kularathne (Sri Lanka)

Thank you so much sir , youre always been a good friend to me and i will always treasure that friendship .. May God bless you and your family always . I hope we can see each other again and please always take care.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Brother Anjana. Thanks. With Bhuddha’s Blessings. All Things are possible. The Best Forever to You & Families

H.E. Ambassador Dr. El-Anrif Said Hassane (Comoros)

Thank you very much Excellency Excellency
God bless you and your family forever

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Amb. Dr. EL-Anrif. Pleasure. Ameen. Allah is The Greatest

H.E. Rehab AL Farhan (Kuwait. MoFA Legal)

Hello Your Excellency, I am so pleased to work with you , and thank you for the beautiful gift that l have received .. I wish you a happy arrival.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Sister Your Excellency Rehab. Greetings from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Our Thanks for Your Sterling Assistances for the Diplomatic Visa Waivers Signing. Did enjoy working with You also. Best Wishes Forever to You, Families & Teams. Allah O Akbar

Reply from: H.E. Rehab AL Farhan

Thank you , your Excellency, It was a pleasure to work with you. I wish fir you a happy stay and all best wishes.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Sister Your Excellency Rehab. Greetings from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks. Best Wishes Forever to You, Families & Teams. Allah O Akbar

Dr. Afrah Jaafar Mulla Ali (Spanish Interpreter)

Wish you all the best your excellency
Hope to see you again in the future

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Sister Dr. Afrah. Thanks. Insha Allah

AL Hajj Zed AL Refai (Global Kuwaiti Traveller, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist)

Wishing you the best of everything. God bless, Z

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Al Hajj Zed. Thanks. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Best Wishes to You & Families. Allah O Akbar

Reply from: AL Hajj Zed AL Refai

You have made a huge contribution. Honestly, it will be difficult for your successor to fill your shoes

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother AL Hajj ZED. Noted. BUT. V. Very Strong. HIGH and Wide Foundations have been LAID. Successor can MAINTAIN then Choose an Area OR Areas to Expand. Will POWER, Desire and Interest Will be Needed. Insha Allah

H. E. Sheikha Rasha Nayef AL-Jaber AL-Sabah (Deputy Director General. Kuwait National Library)

Welcome back home
Greetings to you from Kuwait

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Your Excellency Sheikha Rasha. Thanks. This is my Global Number. We will stay in touch. Continuing Duas for Our Father HH Amir’s Speedy Recovery. Continuing Duas for His Highnesess, Sheikhas. Sheikhs, Ministers, Kuwaitis, and Expats. Dr Maryann sends her Special Hellos. Long Live HH Our Amir. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana.

Counsellor Salah S. AL-Haddad (Deputy Asst. Foreign Minister For Americas Affairs)

Thank you and have a nice and safe trip.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Your Excellency Counsellor. Thanks. Continuing Duas for Your Speedy Recovery. With Allah’s Graces.

Dr. Mohamed Latib.

Pennsylvania, USA

Safe travels. Looking forward to catching up.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Brother Dr Mohamed. Thanks. Insha Allah

Most Memorable Memories

Reply from: Dr. Mohamed Latib.

You are kind and thoughtful, Shamir. My cell

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Brother Dr. Mohamed. Thanks. Ameen. We are ALL Allah’s Vessels for Better Communities, Countries & World. Insha Allah

Madam Vera AL-Muttawa, MBE (Founder of The British School in Kuwait. BSK)

Thank u for ur kind message . I am so sorry to hear u left without us been able to say goodbye z I have been in my chalet since February and away from social life and from news . So sadly I missed ur departure. U were both a lovely couple . I am sorry u left us . I wish u both lots of success and good health and happiness . I will miss u both . Much love 💕 Vera

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Sister Madam Vera. MBE. Our 4 years ended. Government Lost the Elections. NEW Government. We will Forever Remember You & Brother Sadiq’s Welcome, Hospitalities &
Friendships. We are Families Forever. We will miss You & Brother Sadiq . This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. Thanks for Good Wishes. Shamir & Maryann’s Continuing Love. Appreciations and High Respect to You, Brother Sadiq & Families. His Will Will Be Done. Amen. Ameen.

Prof. Dr Khalid AL-Begain (Kuwait College Of Science & Technology)

Good luck, Thanks.

Ameen Insha Allah

Ed Titus, FCA. (Head Of Operations Western Union)

Dear Excellency
All the best. Send us your contact details when u reach. We will be in touch

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Bro. Ed. Same number here Rich or Poor with Bhagwan, God & Allah’s Graces. Jai Hind

Amit. At AL Hasawi Group

Wish you and your family all the best Your Excellency.
Pls keep in touch , 🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Amit. Thanks. Yes. Same number here. Best Wishes Forever

H.E. Ambassador Hasan Yousif Ngor Jock (South Sudan)

Dear Brother
You Will always be remembered and not forgotten for that kindness and generosity But above all Your dedication and commitment…
May the Almighty Allah Bless and Reward You and the family Abundantly…
Wishing You all the Best 🎉

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Amb. Hassan. Thanks for most gracious words. Our Best Wishes Forever to You, Families & South Sudan. Insha Allah

Salaams Bro. Amb. Hasan. Thanks. Long Live South Sudan

Mohammad H. Alkhaldi (ALANBA Journalist)

Thank you excellency
I wish you and your family all the best ,
Hope you reach your distention in peace, have a nice and safe trip

It was really honor to know you excellency

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Mohammad. Thanks for gracious words. Best Wishes to You, Families and ALANBA Teams. Allah O Akbar

Dr. Zaid Rajab Kuwaiti Owns New English School & TAREQ RAJAB Museum

Dear Ambassador
It is sad to hear that you are leaving (have left) Kuwait and we will miss you. It was wonderful meeting you and your wife and I would like to wish you the very best for the next chapter in your life. Charlotte , well that is a nice place to live.
My very best wishes to you both

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Dr Zaid. Thanks for most gracious wishes. We will miss You too. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann sends their Best Wishes for continuing successes to You, Families, Outstanding School & Fabulous Tareq Rajab Museum

Dr. Samer Haddadin (Head UNHCR. Kuwait)

Will be dearly missed my dear friend. Regards from Hanada and myself to Maryann.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Dr. Samer. Thanks. We will miss You both. Change a Constant. Shamir & Maryann’s Best Wishes to You, Hanada & Families Forever

Marion E. Herbert ( GY MoFA Deputy Chief Protocol)

Ambassador Dr. Shamir and Dr. Maryann, Its was my privilege to know you and be part of your settling in to Kuwait. And be a part of all that happened, your tenure as an Ambassador. I’m privileged to play a role in the thing you had there i know you have been very effective and efficient  as an ambassador. You have done Guyana very proud. Seeing documents and hearing people speak about you, and i know you have done well. I am proud of you and all of Guyana should be proud of you. You didn’t go there and waste time, you didn’t sit down and did petty things and rivalries … You went there and you got the job done  and i know you  are satisfied with what you did, how you functioned and what you did for Guyana. It gives me great pleasure to tell to you, Ambassador and Dr. Maryann. i am privileged to have met you and this friendship i pray that it will continues wherever we are ! The modern technology make it so easy for us to keep in touch. So stay well and i pray the almighty will continue to expand your territory, and whatever you set your hands to you will prosper. i pray that god will keep you both strong, healthy, with wisdom and all that you desire and proser your days on this land. take care and remember your will always have a friend in me…

Love you both and lets stay in touch !

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Sister Your Excellency Marion. Many Thanks for Your Most Caring Message. Maryann and Shamir heard it the same time. We are also very privileged to meet You and will be Family Forever. This is my Global iPhone. Yes we will stay in touch. Yes we are very proud of our Achievements for Guyana which is recorded in 237 webpages with performances evidences. We do value highly our Friendships. Our Best Wishes to You & Families with Almighty’s Graces. Amen

H.E. Ambassador Uthman Lebbe Mohammed Jauhar (Sri Lanka)

Thank you dear Professor Dr. Shamir for sharing the agreements. Alhamdhulillah Certainly you have achieved many things and contributed positively for betterment of birelations during your tenure in Kuwait

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Bro. Amb. Uthman. TIP. My Daily GOAL. 7 KEYS. Vision. Team. Plan. Resources. Execution. Evaluation. Leadership. With NO Never an answer. Items to assist our Countries are ALL DOABLE. BLots of Desire, WILL, and Interest to secure completion. Do Press On. With Best Wishes. Insha Allah

Burhan Salama (An-Nahar Newspapers. Photojournalist)

I am so sorry for not being able to see you due to our job conditions … and I accompanied you, God willing, and we will continue to communicate with us, God willing

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Bro. Burhan. Understand. OK. Do what You can. Insha Allah

Abdul Hafiz M. R. H. Marafie (GM Farm Wafra).

Thanks for being our friend inshalah soon my wife and I will go to the states my house is in West Virginia one hour and 30: minutes from Washington DC and my doter will be studying in Miami Florida on my way we will pass by you my regards to you and your wonderful family see you soon a hafiz marafie

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Brother Abdul. Wonderful. Ok. Blessings to You & Families. Insha Allah.

Dr. Vincent Adams (Executive Director. GUYANA EPA)

Welcome back to you Professor Shamir and Dr Maryann, after a great tenure serving your country in Kuwait

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Brother Vincent. Thanks. Shamir & Dr Maryann’s Continuing Best Wishes, Forever to You, Mrs. Lil and Families. Amen

Dr. Ahmed AL-Jarallah (EiC Arab Times & AL Seyassah. DEAN)

Thanks a lot hope to see you again

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Dr. Ahmed. Thanks. Yes. We Love Kuwait & Kuwaitis. Insha Allah

Claude Edward Boyer (Guyana). Entrepreneur. Visionary. Philanthropist

Wishing you all the very best

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Claude. Greetings from Charlotte. North Carolina. Thanks. Our Best Wishes to You, Donna, Nicholas, Renita, Families & Teams. Amen

H.E. Ambassador Sarmen Baghdasarian (Armenia)

God bless you and your family !!!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Amb. Sarmen. Thanks. Our Best Wishes to You, Families and Armenia

Anita Jaikaran, MBA

New York, USA

Thank YOU and Dr. Maryann!!

Safe travels to you both!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Anita. Thanks. Jai Hind

H.E. Ambassador Faisal Rashed Al-Ghais (Kuwait-MFA).

Brazil, South American Countries, Austria, Germany, China, OPEC etc.

We enjoyed your friendship. We are happy that you enjoyed your tenure in our country, which we know you love so much.
You are a dear and loved couple.
We wish you happy life.
We shall always cherish you memory.
Faisal and Aisha Alghais

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Esteemed Ambassador Brother Faisal & Sister Aisha. Thanks for most kind words. We do Love Kuwait, Diplomatic Corps & Kuwaitis. We will forever hold most memorable memories of our meetings, and receptions at Your Fabulous Residence with Global Mementos from the Countries You Served as Ambassador. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Continuing Best Wishes Forever. Long Live Father HH Amir. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana

H.E. Ambassador Albatoul Zakaria (Chad)

Thank you Dr Shamir and Dr Maryann. Good living in the United States

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings from Charlotte. NC. USA. Our Best Wishes to You, Families & CHAD

Saeed Dhafir Al-Qahtani (Qatar Counsellor).


Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from Charlotte, North Carolina. USA. To Brother Saeed. Long Live Qatar. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Guyana. Allah is the Greatest

Reply from: Saeed Dhafir Al-Qahtani

Thanks my brother and have a nice and wonderful day.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ameen. Thanks. Brother Saeed. Insha Allah

Ayed M. AL Ajmi (PR Kuwait Camel Racing Club)

Your Excellency.. Dr. Maryann.. safe journey to home..💐💐hope to meet again sometime.. you are a plus in someone life for sure.. you give energy to all who knows you.. 👍🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Brother Ayed. Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA Thanks for good wishes and comments. All Praises to Allah. We are ALL Allah’s Vessels. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann last night spoke on our memories at the Fantastic Camel Races & Superb Luncheons with Your Courtesies. We are Family Forever. Our Continuing Duas, Love &
Best Wishes to You, Families, Camel Club Leaders and Camels, with Allah’s Blessings.

Rajandra Singh (GRA & Director GO-Invest)

Hello Dr Shamir. I wish you and your wife a safe journey. I’m certain that you have built a strong foundation onto which Guyana can sit in Kuwait for the prosperity for all Guyana. Our prayers are with you as we continue to build on a lasting friendship. Take care and do keep in touch

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram. Brother Rajandra. Greetings from Charlotte. NC. USA. Thanks for good wishes. Yes 4 years Solid Foundations documented in 40
Pages Approximately Monthly Reports; 236 webpages and 50 Pages FINAL July 2020 Report for Continuations. Yes Yes Yes. Kuwait can Help Guyana. SKY the LIMIT. Balls in GY Court. This is my Global iPhone. We can stay in touch. Our Best Wishes Forever to You & Families. Long Live GO-Invest. Long Live GRA. Long Live Guyana

Ali Eisa Akbar (Admin Mgr Farwaniya Governate)

Dr May Allah protect you and your wife

Thanks for everything

❤️🌹 You are too sweet to be forgotten ❤️🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams From Charlotte. NC. USA. Brother Ali. Thanks for Gracious Wishes. Dr. Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes Forever to You, Families and Farwaniya Governate. Allah O Akbar

Madam Hend ALRashidi (Executive. Governate Of Farwaniya)

Knowing you and your your beautiful wife has been a great pleasure to me, my husband and my girls!
You will be truly missed:(
It’s so sad we can’t say goodbye..

I’ll always remember your kindness and the light you and your Mrs bring in every reception.
Thank you so much for all your sweet gestures and I hope we could meet in the future.

Take care dear

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Sister Hend from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Our Honor, Delight & Joys to Meet You, Children &
Farwaniya Governate Teams. We will have Our Treasured Memories Forever. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. Our Best Wishes Forever to You, Families & Teams. Allah O Akbar

Gwyneth George, AA. (Chief Librarian University of Guyana)

Safe flight Doc! You are now embarking on another chapter in your life.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings From Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Sister Gwyneth. Thanks. Yes. Amen

Donna Marie Yearwood CCH (Head Debt Mgmt MoF GY)

Dear Ambassador,
I count it a privilege and pleasure to forge a memorable friendship and great working relationship with two special people like yourself and Dr Maryann during your tenure in Kuwait.

You enriched my knowledge of a rich Middle Eastern culture of that region. Your hard work, energy, enthusiasm to share your experiences during your social events, travels and outstanding professionalism were amazing.

The hospitality shown by yourself and Dr Maryann would forever be etched in my memory. The Guyana Embassy in Kuwait would never be the same without your presence. Wishing both yourself and Dr Maryann Jehovah God’s blessings
and peace, good health and continued success in the next phase of your life…..Enjoy!!!

With all my love to you both…Donna 2020/08/10

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Sister Donna. Greetings from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Our Honor, Delight & Joys to Welcome You and 2 Ministers to Kuwait. We secured 67% KIA Debt Relief. Thanks for most Gracious comments. 4 years Tenure with Solid Foundations documented in 40 Pages Approximately Monthly Reports; 236 webpages and 50 Pages FINAL July 2020 Report for Continuations. Kuwait can Help Guyana. SKY the LIMIT. Balls in GY Court. This is my Global iPhone. We can stay in touch. Our Best Wishes Forever to You & Families. Long Live GY Ministry of Finance. Long Live Guyana. Long Live Kuwait. With Jehovah, Bhagwan & Allah’s Graces, Will & Blessings

Reply from: Donna Marie Yearwood CCH

Ambassador, I am very glad to hear that you arrived home safely. Hope you get much needed rest and stay safe. Glad to be able to stay in touch with you.

Have an enjoyable day.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Sister Donna. Yes. Thanks. Agreed. Amen.

Gamal Omran (ProMedia)

Oh.. hope to meet you again. We really will miss you . You great man. Forgive me if not help you enough 🌹🌹👍🙏🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Brother Gamal. This is my Global Number. Will stay in touch. Our Thanks for ALL the Courtesies. Besr Wishes Forever

Dr. Abdulreda Akbar Asad Lari, MD. (New Guyana Villa Owner) AL-ZAHRA

It was a pleasure meeting you mr ambassador, we hope to see you again in kuwait, i wish you all the best in your future endeavors 🙏🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Brother Dr. Abdulreda MD. Yes. Insha Allah. This is my Global iPhone. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Huge Thanks for You & Teams Sterling Support, Assistances and Courtesies at Guyana Villa, Your Property. Our Best Wishes for Continued Joys, Fun and Successes Forever. Allah is the Greatest

Tariq A. Behbehani (HH Amir Translator).


Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Our Best Wishes Forever. Allah O Akbar

Bader ALNaser ( KFAED. Guyana)
Kuwait Fund For Arab Economic Development

Safe travels Your Excellency, I hope to see you in the near future. Bless you and Dr. Maryann. I wish you both the best in your future endeavors.


Bader AlNaser
Kuwait Fund

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Bader. Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks for most gracious comments. Thanks for KFAED assistances to Guyana. Dr Shamir & Dr Maryann’s Best Wishes Forever to You, Families, & KFAED Leadership. With Allah’s Blessings.

Minister HE Dr. Hassan bin Mohammed AL-Ansari (KSA Kuwait Embassy)

All best wishes your Excellency for u and Family. Allah Akbar 🌹

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Esteemed Brother Hon. Minister Your Excellency Dr. Hassan. Salaams from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks for Best Wishes. Dr Shamir & Dr. Maryann with Outstanding Memories from our attendances at KSA’s Receptions, Visits to IsDB, OIC Meetings at Jeddah, Medina, & Makkha. Allah’s Abundant Blessings to HH King Salman, Ruling Families, Ministers, Ambassadors, You, Families, Government & Saudis, Forever. Long Live HH King Salman. Long Live Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Long Live Guyana. Allah O Akbar. Allah O Akbar. Allah O Akbar

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Oleksandr Balanutsa (Ukraine).

God bless you, my dear!! Thank you very much for everything ❤️❤️❤️

Ma sha allah🙏🙏🙏

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Bro. Amb. Dr. OB. Thanks. Continued Best Wishes to You, Families and UKRAINE

Reply from: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Oleksandr Balanutsa 

Thank you very much!!! God bless you and please stay in touch!!! Best regards of your wife!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Pleasure Bro. Amb. Dr. OB. Yes. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. Dr Maryann sends her regards to You, Wife & Families

H.E. Ambassador Norton De Andrade Mello Rapesta (Brazil).

Have a nice flight and lots of happiness back home.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks Bro. Amb. Norton. Amen

HE. Sheikh Ali Al Sabah. AL Jawaher Farm

Good luck Mr Ambassador

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams Your Excellency Sheikh Ali. From Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks for good wishes. Blessings Forever to You & Families. Insha Allah

Hon. Khemraj Ramjattan, Esq., MP. LLB (3rd VP & Min of Natl Security)

These are great photos…certain you will cherish them for rest of your days.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Ram Ram Brother Khem. Yes. Thanks to You & AFC for my 4 Years Tenure. We gave outstanding services each day. Maximum Mileage. Yes. Most Memorable Memories. With Bhagwan. God. & Allah’s Graces. Will. Blessings. Long Live Guyana. Long Live Kuwait. Long Live Saudi Arabia

Dale George


Hello Ambassador it’s good to hear from you sorry I missed your last text but I am glad to see The progress that Guyana to make and I love the pictures the are really amazing and beautiful. I hope you and Maryann are adjusting to living in Charlotte. I hope you and Maryann have much success in your future endeavors.

My God bless you both and your families.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings. Dale. Thanks. Amen. Best Wishes to You. Dad & Families

Reply from: Dale George

Thank you 🙏🏾 it’s has been a blessing getting to know you and Maryann and the great staff. You all truly made my dad and my time in Kuwait a blessing.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Amen. All Praises to Almighty. Thanks

Nohar Singh (President/CEO Travelspan). New York. USA. Guyana. Caribbean.

Hope all are well with you and Ms Shamir . .welcome back to the US . Let’s talk sometime next week and get caught up…we have a talk show program Globespan 24×7, I will like u to be on one day to discuss ur tenure in UAE

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings. Brother Nohar. Ok. Thanks. 4 years Tenure in KUWAIT. Best Wishes to You, Sister Pastor Lisa & Families. Amen

TM. Dr. Prathap Unnithan CC ALB (ACK TM)


Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Namaste Brother TM Dr Prathap. Thanks for most gracious words. All with Bhagwan. God. Allah’s Graces. Best Wishes to You & Families Forever

Steve Vuleta, CEO. Kuwait Motor Town (KMT) Track Name Grand Prix (GP)

God Bless you both and stay safe in the US. Currently a bit of a COVID nightmare so my best wishes to you both Shamir & Maryann. Regards Steve Vuleta

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Brother Steve from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks for wishes. This is my Global iPhone. We will stay in touch. Dr. Shamir & Dr. Maryann’s Best Wishes Forever to You, Families & Teams

H.E. Ambassador Saqer M. Abu Shattal (Jordan)

Dear brother Dr.Shamir&Dr .Maryan
Me &My family wishing you both save tripe to your country where we pray to God to have pleasant and happy time with your beloved
Best regards
Jordan Ambassador
Saqer Abu Shattal

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams From Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Brother Amb. Saqer. Thanks for most gracious words. We enjoyed very much our 2 most memorable visits to Jordan & Petra et al. Our Love, Best Wishes & Regards to You, Spouse, Families and Jordan Nation with Allah’s Choicest Blessings Forever. Allah O Akbar

Dr. Ameera Alhassan (UN-Habitat. HoM). Kuwait

All the best to you.
Have a safe flight back home.
Wishing you all the best and keep in touch .
Please know you have left behind a sister who care for you two and pray you always be blessed by God’s love and mercies

Karen Kay Wilson (Guyanese)

Indian Trail, North Carolina. USA

Achieving great work!

I hope it has passed on to someone who can walk in your shoes!

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Sister Karen. Agreed. Solid Foundations Laid in 4 years. Maintenance. Then Build on. God’s Graces

Denise Dawn DeSouza, AA (GY Ministry of Finance)

And please accept my sincere wishes for a safe, peaceful, productive and enjoyable time on your return to NC.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings From Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Sister Denise Dawn. Thanks for caring good wishes. Our Best Wishes to You & Families. Forever

Ewart Andrew Marshall, (Vice Chair. AFC USA)

Thanks again, for your service to Guyana and continued service to the AFC. A new chapter to be written.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings from Charlotte. North Carolina. USA. Thanks for most gracious words. Amen. Our Continuing Love, Regards and Best Wishes to You, Roben & Families with Almighty’s Graces

Andrew J. & Lorraine Thomas (Managing Partner RAYS)

Excellency, you did great work for your Country in establishing amazing relationships with Kuwaiti Authority. Also you had very cordial relationship with all the Countries Ambasador. 👍

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings. Brother Andrew. Amen. Yes. Correct. Thanks for the reminder. Blessed Days Ahead.

Patricia Bacchus, Esq. LLB (Distinction); LEC (Imm. Past Chair GO-Invest)

You served your country well Shamir

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Thanks. Patricia. WE Gave Outstanding Representation in 4 years with 237 Webpages with Empirical Evidences. With Almighty’s Graces

Former Minister of Finance H.E. Winston Jordan

AL Hajj Ahmad Ali Abdullah AL Qalaf (Kuwait Boatbuilding Heritage)

Salam Alykom and hello Mr. Ambassador. It was very nice of you to send me this beautiful and kind words. We felt after the knowledge of the end of your deplomatic duty in Kuwait that we lost a very nice, kind, and valueble neibor such as you and the beautiful and wonderful wife of yours Dr. Maryann.
There is nothing more precious than having a good friend and wonderful neighbors. We will never forget you and we will always remember your kindness and our times together. Therefor, I could express our feeling of your neighborhood that we never felt of neighboring an official Embassy, but you Dr. Shamir and your wife Dr. Maryann made us feel otherwise; it was a close and worm relationship just like a very close friends and dourable neighbors.
I wish you and Dr. Maryann the best and happy life with lots of success. Enjoy your life in the beautiful State of North Carolina, USA. And please consider us as friends forever and family in your second country Kuwait. I wish we will keep in touch and hear from each other from time to time. Thank you and my best regards to you and to Dr. Maryann.

Yours. Ahmad Alqallaf
State of Kuwait

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams. Esteemed Brother Al Hajj Ahmad & Families. Jummah Mubarak. Ameen. Agreed. Many Thanks for Most Caring Words. Yes we Love Kuwait. Yes Kuwait will always be our Home Forever. Lots of Most Memorable Memories. We will stay in touch. This is my Global iPhone. Yes we are Families for Life. Yes will be in touch Monthly the Minimum. Dr Maryann & Dr Shamir’s Duas and Best Wishes Forever with Allah’s Blessings.

Roxanne Sumner (GO-Invest SIO. Senior Investment Officer)

Good afternoon. Welcome home.
Words cannot express thanks to you and Dr. Maryann for the excellent job done in Kuwait to promote Guyana. Allah will continue to honor you both.

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Greetings Sister Roxanne. Agreed. You are 100% correct on Dr. Maryann’s work to Promote Guyana, “‘Show, Tell & Know.” Thanks for most gracious comments. Amen

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Abdulla Yacoub Bishara CBE (President DCSS)

• 1971 to 1981 Ambassador of Kuwait to the UNITED NATIONS
• 1981-1993 FIRST SECRETARY GENERAL of GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL ( Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.)
• PRESIDENT of Diplomatic Center for Strategic Studies
• Coordinator, British-Kuwait Friendship Society

Dear H.E. Dr. Shamir & Madam,
You left a vacuum in the diplomatic community and you had proven that the diplomatic family here needs your dynamism and drive, to mobilize the community to cross the line of bureaucracy of more with fresh steps, to break into the Kuwait Society and its tradition otherwise diplomats would live in a zone of theirs, no contact and with no social bonds.
You did a great job to the richness of the diplomats in Kuwait social ethos.
Thank you,
Amb. Abdulla Bishara

Reply from: H.E. Prof. Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally

Salaams from North Carolina, USA

1. Thanks for Your Most Gracious Email and Comments hereunder.
2. Was a Political Appointee … 23rd July 2020 Letter from Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Karen Cummings 2. 31 st July Contract ended. 3. 5 days EID Holidays. 4. Packers & CONTAINER. 5. 11 August Qatar Airways. Air Ticket. Kuwait. Doha. Dallas TEXAS. Then American Airlines Dallas to Charlotte, North Carolina. USA 6. PCR TRAVEL TEST for Coronavirus, et al…7. VERY Sorry was UNABLE to SEE/MEET You…..However, we talked on August 16, 2020 from Charlotte, NC, USA to Kuwait.
3. YOU visited GUYANA and Met the President & Prime Minister…You are known to Guyana’s Minister Hon. Rashleigh Jackson (GY Foreign Affairs)…You know Guyana Embassy in Kuwait 2011 with Ambassador Dr. Ishmael, who left in 2014….Dr. Shamir’s arrival August 31, 2016 in KUWAIT…You know the Achievements, et al
4. Coping herein YOUR BROTHER, Minister Hon. Rashleigh Jackson (GY Foreign Affairs)
5. Dr Shamir used his Global especially USA from 1979, Business, Education and Leadership Skills together with Wife Dr. Maryann, for “SHOW. TELL & KNOW” for GUYANA, in Kuwait et al, documented in 236 WEBPAGES
6. Dr. Shamir & Dr, Maryann’s THANKS, Appreciations and JOYS, for You and Madam Miriam’s Friendship, Support and Guides from DAY 1 we met at the Embassy of South Korea in Kuwait, Presentation’s, LUNCHEON Table.
7. Have received Hundreds of WhatsApp SMS, on END OF TENURE, from Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain RULING FAMILIES, Ambassadors, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Qataris, Omanis, Expats, et al ….some SMS are on this webpage >
8. For Transparencies and GUYANA’s IMAGE especially in Kuwait, copying this Email to Immediate Past and Current Minister of Foreign Affairs, AND Immediate Past and Current Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
9. Dr. Shamir, left a 30 pages FINAL REPORT on Achievements in 4 years, Recommendations going forward, including the SUCCESSFUL RECYCLING PROGRAM, et al
10. CONTINUING DUAS for You, Madam Miriam and Families…We will miss Your Thursdays’ Luncheon meetings at Your Fabulous Residence with Outstanding Hospitalities, Conversations and GUIDES.
11. Continuing Duas for His Highness Father Amir, His Highnesses, Sheikhs, Sheikhas, Ministers, Kuwaitis, and Expats
12. We WILL LOVE Kuwait Forever.
13. With Allah’s Choicest Blessings. Allah O Akbar…Allah O Akbar…Allah O Akbar

Brother Dr. Shamir and Dr. Maryann
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA