Project: Hinterland Electrician program. (Solar PV Grid-Connected farms for 6 communities).

Objectives: To increase Energy security for the Hinterland utilities and support the Government’s renewable energy drive for Greener Economy.

Lead Organization: Ministry of Public Infrastructure.

Capacity: 5.2 MW

ADFD Loan: USD 8 Million

Sustainable Development Impact:

  • Benefiting 34,700
  • Reducing diesel consumption by 3 million liters annually.
  • Creating 120 direct and indirect jobs.
  • Reducing 5,700 tCO2e annually.

IRENA, UAE: 19th IRENA, Abu Dhabi, UAE January 11 to 13, 2019 AND World Future Energy Summit Jan 14-17, 2019 UAE. January 11, 2019 GUYANA to receive USD $8 Million for Energy Project.