H.E. Professor
Dr. Shamir Ally



1. UMI/ProQuest Dissertation Services # 9536768: August 1994 Dissertation Preparing CARICOM for the Twenty-First Century Through Regional Economic Integration.”  Qualitative Research                                                           
2. 1996 Vol 20, 1 & 2: Futurics: A Journal of Futures Research, Minnesota, 10 pages on “Preparing Caribbean – CARICOM- for the Twenty-First Century.”
3. 2010 Co- Authored Chapter 11 in Book, pages 188 to 198, entitled “A Look at the Watching Friends and Relatives Market Segment at the 2007 Cricket World Cup” in the book “Sports Event Management-The Caribbean Experience”, published by the University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago. ISBN: 978-1-4094-1855-9.
4. January,2011: Page XXIV, Acknowledgement – Managerial Accounting 14E, Garrison, Noreen, Brewer, MBA TextbookISBN 978-0-07-811100-6, 2011 Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
5.  January 2014: Page XXVI, Acknowledgement– Managerial Accounting 15 E, Garrison, Noreen, Brewer, MBA Textbook, ISBN 978-0-07-802563-1, 2014 Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
6. February 2014: Dr. Shamir Ally is 1 of 30 Global Leaders included in the 2nd. Edition, Leading with Questions: How Leaders Find the Right Solutions by Knowing What to Ask, Michael J. Marquardt, Revised and Updated. ISBN: 978-1118658130…….320 pages…Publisher, Jossey-Bass

                             QATAR UNIVERSITY, School of Business :  PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS:
  1. Paper on “Servant Leadership Principles, Practices, and Ethics.”
  1. FACULTY SEMINAR Presentation on Best Practices in Implementing an ERP System: Case Study from the USA”.
  1. GRADUATE STUDENTS: Master of Accounting, Presentation Lecture On: “Challenges of Global Financial Reporting”.
  1. May 27-29, 1994, York University, Canada, Caribbean Conference, a Paper Caribbean Countries Tourism- Integrate and Make It Pay.”
  2. October 6-8, 1994 12th. Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Countries, at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA, Paper on “Preparing Caribbean- CARICOM, for the Twenty-First Century.”
  3. August 8-11, 2004, Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association, Orlando, Florida, USA International Financial Reporting: Disclosure (International Accounting) – Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Moderator: Ervin Black, Brigham Young University
Foreign Equity Ownership and Disclosure Transparency in Emerging Markets: Evidence from KoreaJeong-Bon Kim, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Cheong H. Yi, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;Discussant: Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, DeSales University, MBA Program
The Impact of Increased Accounting Disclosure on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from an Emerging MarketHaiyan Zhou, The University of Texas – Pan American;Discussant: Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, DeSales University, MBA Program
The Effect of Bank-based and Market-based Financing on Corporate DisclosureKentaro Koga, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;Discussant: Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, DeSales University , MBA Program
  1. April 1- 3, 2007, DeSales University, Pennsylvania, USA, CONCETUALIZER, and On-Site Co-Coordinator Dr. Shamir A. Ally, for a 2007 Cricket World Cup VISITORS SURVEY in GUYANA, with Dr. Douglas Turco, Kutztown University, and Dr. Marlene Cox, from University of Guyana. 12,208 overseas visitors attended 6 cricket matches among 43,861 attendees. 394 Visitors completed a 2 pages questionnaire, with 20 questions. A 21 Pages Report was presented to Guyana’s President, Minister of Sports, Minister of Tourism, and Minister of Education, with Cricket, Sports, Tourism, and Business officials in attendance at the report’s presentation on October 12, 2007 in Guyana organized by the University of Guyana. 500 Printed Reports were circulated.
  2. August 22, 2007: Presenter on “Agriculture and Eco-Agri Tourism” at the Agro-Business Investment Opportunities in Guyana Conference, Richmond Hill,  New York, N.Y. attended by Guyana’s Minister of Agriculture, the US Ambassador to Guyana, and 258 potential investors.
  3. October 12, 2007, Co-author of a 2007 Cricket World Cup Report which was circulated at the University of Guyana’s Official Presentation, to Guyana’s Ministers of Sports, Education and Tourism with 78 persons. Over 500 copies of the Report were circulated to Guyana Government, Embassies & High Commissions; Business, Sports and Education Executives.
  4. November 9-10, 2007 Co-authored a paper, “Globalization, Sport and Tourism: The Case of the 2007 Cricket World Cup in Guyana,” presented at the Romanian American University’s International Conference on Globalization and Performance in the European Tourism Industry in Bucharest, Romania.
  5. September 18, 2008, Co-authored a paper titled “2007 Cricket World Cup Sport Tourists: The Caribbean Experience” and presented it at the European Association for Sport Management Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
  6. May 11-14, 2009, Co-Authored a paper entitled “Sport Event Legacies in Developing Nation: The Case Of the 2007 Cricket World Cup in Guyana, South America” for the 9th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) in Liverpool, England.
  7. March 5, 2010, was the Presenter and Moderator on “Global Businesses with Romanian-American University, business students and Faculty in Romania.
  8. February 11, 2011, New York: Guyana’s Alliance for Change Party, PRESENTER, on Highlights of the AFC’s Action Plan for a New 2011 Government in Guyana, South America.”
  9. November 18 to November 28, 2011, was a Guyana, South AmericaGENERAL ELECTIONS Campaigner for the Alliance for Change Party (AFC), as their Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Investments, and Non Resident Guyanese (NRG)/Diaspora… In a 65 Seats Parliament, AFC with 7APNU with 26 and PPP/C with 32 seats… AFC’s Parliamentary Support will be critical for the Government of Guyana.
  10. 24 December 2012 College of Business and Economics Newsletter, Qatar University , Doha, State of Qatar
Qatar University CBE Newsletter – Fall 2012
FACULTY Seminar: 24 December 2012
Seminar on ERP best practices by Visiting Professor Dr. Shamir Ally, his topic was “Best Practices In Implementing an ERP System: Case Study from the US.” He enumerated a number of best practices in ERP systems such as choosing to build your own ERP and programming it from the bottom up, or purchasing on-premise ERP software and installing it in your company’s computers and servers. He pointed out that two-thirds of medium-size businesses are running old versions of their ERP software, and advised on how to get the best advantage of an ERP system by setting realistic expectations for its Implementation, and focusing on staff resources and strong project management.
  1. 24 December 2012: Qatar U College of Business and Economics: Room D 205 Visiting Professor Dr. Shamir Ally > Graduate STUDENTS: Master of Accounting, Lecture On: Challenges of Global Financial Reporting.”    Class Professor Dr. Helmi Hammami, Ph.D. HEAD, Dept of Accounting & Information System.
  2. November 2-4, 2013, Qatar University, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Transition to Knowledge-Based Economy: Multi-Disciplinary Thinking and Best Practices”.   Paper on Servant Leadership Principles, Practices, and Ethics.”  TRACK on “Human Capital and Organizational Behavior.”
  3. May 7, 2015, 5pm to 9 pm Visiting Professor, LECTURE to Business, Management, and Social Studies, Students on INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING Reporting and Disclosure at University of GuyanaGeorge Walcott Lecture Theatre, Turkeyen, ECD, Campus.
      Ed. D., Doctorate George Washington University, External Examiner: Professor Dr. Shamir Ally
  1. February 28, 2006 Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner for Dr. Lisa McGinty Toppin’s Ed.D. Dissertation “Defining the Psychological Contract of the Virtual Worker: Implications for the Human Resource Professional, at George Washington University, DC.
  2. September 14, 2007 Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner for Dr. Pascal Bernard Etzol’s Ed.D. Dissertation “The Role of Language in Organizational Power and Change- A Case Study in a Global European Pharmaceutical Company” at George Washington University, DC.
  3. March 2009 as Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner for Johnson & Johnson’s Director, Dr. D. Milynn Swofford’s Ed.D. Dissertation entitled Impact of a Pharmaceutical Company’s Leadership Development Program on Participant Leadership Behavior” at George Washington University, DC. 
  4. June 29, 2011 as Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner   for Banker, David G. Esworthy’s, Ed.D. Dissertation Subcultures in a Flat Organizational Structure” at George Washington University, DC.
  5. July 30, 2012 as Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner   for Robin Rimmer Hurst’s, 187 Pages, Ed.D. Dissertation, on 10-Year Old AMERICAN Business’s Acquisition, of a 30-Year Old Business in INDIA > ” Societal and Organizational Culture’s Influence in Cross-Border Acquisitions: A Case Study Approach to Dissecting and Diagnosing the Process of Acculturation“, at George Washington University, DC.
  6. October 23, 2013: Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner   HOL Main Campus (Human Organizational Learning): for Christopher Allen Cowan, Ed.D. Dissertation, on An Exploration of Significant Leadership Development Factors in Action Learning: A Comparison of Three Action Learning Programs.” A Qualitative Research.
  7. December 5, 2013Visiting Scholar- Doctorate External Examiner   GWU Ashburn, VA Campus: for Eric D. Coleman, Ed.D. Dissertation on The Nature of Leadership: A Case Study of Distributed Leadership Amidst A Participative Change Effort. A Qualitative Research.
       Ph.D. Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY : Professor Dr. Shamir Ally
  1. August 3, 2008, Visiting Scholar– Doctorate Committee Member for Ph.D. Dissertation at Capella University, MN. Black-Owned Businesses: An Investigation of Factors Affecting Performance by Dr. Michael Andrew Taylor.
Toastmasters International: Effective Listening, Thinking, Speaking and Parliamentary Procedures.
  1. ATM: Able Toastmaster # 302, : Jun 16, 1969
  2. DTM: Distinguished Toastmaster # 302, October 1, 1975.
  1. May 11, 1994, Presentation at the Republican Mid-Term Convention, Washington, DCfrom USA President # 41, President Herbert Walker Bush to Dr. Shamir Ally, the “Republican Senatorial Medal of Freedom” for ” Dedication, Unwavering Support, and as a Prominent Leader in the Republican Party.”……Dr. Shamir joined the ranks of the first 3 Recipients, President Ronald Reagan (Oct 1, 93)… Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher (Sept 29, 93)… and Charlton Heston (July 29, 1993). This is the Highest Honor the Republican Members of the US Senate can bestow. During 1994 Senator Bob Dole was the Republican Senate Leader, and Senator Dr. Phil Gramm was Republican Chairman.
  2. 1984-1985 Lions International 100% District Governor, for Lions International, District 20-K2, Nassau County, Long Island, New York, USA. 3rd. Place from among 408 District Governors from 171 Countries.
  3. 1985 Lions International, Founder Melvin Jones, 5 Diamonds, Award.
  4. 84-85 Lions International, 3 New Clubs Extension Award.
  5. 1985 Lions International Key of Nations Award, for sponsoring 100 Lions, to Lions Clubs’ Membership from Around the World.
  6. 1967 at Central Demerara Lions Club, THE Lions International Ambassador of Goodwill Award from Past International President Jorge Bird, Puerto Rico.
  7. 1975-1976, Lions International District 60, Lions of The Year Award from among 1,883 Lions in 13 Countries.
  8. 1969-1975: 5 Times, LION of the YEAR, Central Demerara Lions, Guyana, South America.
  9. 1996 served as a NY Campaign Advisor to Senator Bob Dole for his 1996 USA Presidential Campaign.
  10.  Oct 31, 2010, AFC’s Gold LEADERSHIP AWARD from Alliance for Change Party at The National Convention, Oceanview Convention Center, Liliendal, ECD, Guyana, South America.
  11. Guinness World Record 20 November 2012, 10, 221 DIFFERENT STICKERS on a sedan motor car: FIRST in CLASS by GWR.
  12. Listed in “Marquis Who’s Who in Finance and Business” 43 rd. Edition 2015-2016.
                 Greenleaf UniversityServant Leadership    
  Greenleaf University is a 501© (3) Not-For-Profit University, Greenleaf University is a Distance Learning University
Greenleaf University is registered on May 4, 1989, as a Not-For-Profit Corporation, by the Missouri Secretary of State, Missouri, USA. Registration Number N 00040143; and with the USA Internal Revenue Service as a Not-for-Profit, 501 © 3, Educational Institution, Registration Number 43-1526425.
Greenleaf University is pursing accreditation with the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Professor and Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Doctoral CHAIR & MENTOR, for the following persons at Greenleaf University:
  1. April 2005: Dr. Pan Peiwen: “A Range of Strategic Lifelong Learning Experience: From a Computer Operator to a Corporate Director.”
  2. August 2005: Dr. Randall Dee Hart: “Historical Developmental Decline in the Last Century and the Resurgence in Recent Decades of CLASSICAL EDUCATION.”
  3. June 2006: Dr. Yu-Feng Hung: “To the Modern Philosopher the Necessary Background to Metaphysics is Wang Bi’s Thought Analysis.”
  4. June 2009: Dr. Raida A. Al-Awamieh, QATAR“Developing Future Leaders: The Contribution of Talent Management.”
  5. July 2009: Dr. Margaret Timyan McCombs: “A Communitarian Paradigm for Christian Education.”
  6. March 2010: Dr. Samuel Clay Ashworth: “Mass Transfer in Multiphase Systems: Volatile Organic Compound Removal in Three-Phase Systems.”
  7. May 2010: Dr. Rochelle (Sheli) Murphy: “Strategic Merger in Faith-based Health Care: Measuring Success of Covenant Health at Year One.”
  8. January 2011: Dr. George E. Richardson“Teacher Efficacy and its Effects on the Academic Achievement of African American Students.”
  9. April 2011: Dr. Cathleen A. Carney: What Effect Does a Comprehensive Marketing Plan Have On the Recruitment Efforts of a Parochial School?”
  10. July 30, 2013: Dr. Emmanuel Osita Aniemeka“Social Media and Entrepreneurship Education: Pedagogical Implications of Computer Mediated Communication in Higher Learning.”
  11. October 2013: Dr. Peter Ronald Ramsaroop: “Surfing the Leadership Wave.”
Professor and Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Doctoral MEMBER, for the following persons, at Greenleaf University.
  1. March 2000: Dr. Dennis Curry: A NATO CIS Knowledge Based Decision Support System for Futures Research and Prediction.”
  2. July 2003: Dr. Chinnama Baines“Nurses’ Perspectives and Experiences of Leadership in Rural Hospitals Surviving Vitalizing as a Leadership Process.
  3. September 2003: Dr. Wilbert Charles Geiss, Jr. Planning, Management, & Performance Characteristics of Small-Medium Size Banks in the Mid-Atlantic Region.”
  4. April 2004: Dr. John Anthony Grove: “A Definitive Relationship Between Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict and Their Effects on Behavior in Work and Academic Environments.”
  5. June 2004: Dr. Roger Jerome Shields: “Performance Management Systems and Their effect on Employee Productivity in Local Government.”
  6. July 2004: Dr. Kenneth Clarence Hess: “A Model for Management Development Programs.”
  7. December 2005: Dr. Stefano Severe“African Experiences as a Representative from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).”
  8. June 2005: Dr. Claudia Gilbertson: “The Development of an Online Accounting Degree.”
  9. August 2006: Dr. James C. Martini“Identification and Verification of the Job Duties and Tasks for the Occupation of Power Engineer.”
  10. February 2007: Dr. Don Valeri: “The Origins of Servant Leadership.”
Global TRAVELS for Consulting Services & Continuing Global Education, for Culture, Practices & Systems to:
  1. 80 Countries on 5 Continents (Africa, North America, South America, Asia, and Europe)
  2. September 2001, Travelled Around The World (Newark, NJ, USA; Dubai, UAE; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Narita, Japan; Los Angeles, USA; and Newark, NJ, USA)
  3. September 2001 Resided in Burj Al Arab, 7 Stars Resort, DUBAI, UAE, at Panoramic Suite # 1112.
  4. Visited, 44 of USA’s 50 States…… 6 USA’s States, TO VISIT are > Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and North Dakota.
  5. Visited, 11 USA Presidents’ Libraries & Museums. (5 Republicans, 5 Democrats, 1 Federalist, FOUNDING President George Washington).
BOOKS to READ from Professor and CEO, Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally
My recommendations:
  1. WINNING, by Jack Welch
  2. Execution, by Larry Bossidy
  3. Colin Powell’s Biography
  4. The World is Flat and Hot, Flat & Crowded, by Tom Friedman
  5. The Snowball , and the Business of Life, by Warren Buffet
  6. The War Within, by Bob Woodward
  7. History of the Arabs: 10 th. Edition, by Philip Hitti
  8. Call me Ted , by Ted Turner
  9. The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World, by Niall Ferguson
  10. The Limits of Power- The end of American Exceptionalism, by Andrew Bacevich.
  11. Make It Plain: Standing Up and Speaking Out, by Vernon Jordan, Jr.
  12. The War Forever, By Dexter Flkins
  13. The Limits of Power, by Andrew J. Bacevich.
  14. Crisis In Bethlehem : Big Steel’s Battle to Survive, by John Strohmeyer
  15. House of Cards- A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street, by William D. Cohan.
  16. The Post-American World, by Dr. Fareed Zakaria
  17.    7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey
  18.    8 Th. Habit by Dr. Stephen Covey
  19. Time Management by Dr. Stephen Covey
  20. The Leader in Me by Dr. Stephen Covey
  21. Enemies of the People By Kati Matin ( wife of Peter Jennings – New Wife to Richard Holbroke)
  22. Muhammad: A Story of the Last Prophet by Deepak Chopra, MD.
  23. White House Diary by Jimmy Carter
  24. The Big Short by Michael Lewis
  25. The Weekend that Changed Wall Street by Maria Bartiromo
  26. The Emperor of All Maladies- A Biography of Cancer by Dr. Siddharta Mukherjee
  27. Dreams and Shadows: The Future of The MIDDLE EAST by Robin Wright.
  28. Awaken The Giant Within: by Anthony Robbins best-selling book
  29. February 24, 2014: Dr. Shamir Ally is 1 of 30 Global Leaders included in the 2nd. Edition, “Leading with Questions : How Leaders Find the Right Solutions By Knowing What To Ask”, Michael J. Marquardt, Revised and Updated. ISBN: 978-1118658130.……320 pages…Publisher, Jossey-Bass
  30. WHO RULES AMERICA NOW, G. William Domhoff
  31. FUTURE SHOCK by Alvin Toffler
  32. The Post-American World by Dr. Fareed Zakaria
  33. The NEW MAP: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations by Daniel Yergin.


1. UG Alumni E-News, University of Guyana.
Bulletin No. 11 November 2011 :
Pages 4, 5 and 6
FeaturedAlumniDr. Shamir Ally

  1. The George Washington, University, Washington, DC, Department of Human and Organizational Learning, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Honorary ELP Alumni StatusJuly 30, 2012”, “ In recognition of the Eminent and Distinguished Roles That Dr. Shamir Ally, has served for (ELP), Executive Leadership Doctoral Program.”
  2. The George Washington, University, Washington, DC, Department of Human and Organizational Learning, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, “Honorary HOL Alumni StatusOctober 14, 2013”“In recognition of the eminent and distinguished service that Dr. Shamir Ally has provided for the Department of Human and Organizational Learning, including serving as External Examiner, Advisor to Professor Michael J. Marquardt, Member of the ELP Research Scholarship Committee.”
  3. Walden University Alumni Magazine: Winter/Spring 2015: pages 2 and 3: Special Deliveries: “ Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, brings business books- and hope-back to his home country of Guyana.” 


Beyond Borders: Special Deliveries WALDEN UNIVERSITY


Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally brings business books—and hope—back to his home country of Guyana.

By Christine Van DusenJanuary 2015

Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally presents books to the University of Guyana library.

In the library—its shelves nearly bare, save for a few battered and outdated volumes—a young man was hungrily reading through the pages of a crisp, new textbook on accounting. Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally ’94 watched nearby, peering to see if there was a telltale dot on the tome. When he saw it, he smiled.

Ally, a Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences (now Ph.D. in Management) graduate and Alumni Ambassador, donated that textbook to the University of Guyana’s library. It’s just one of the more than $100,000 in books on management, accounting, leadership, and health that the Guyana native and his wife, Dr. Maryann Renee Beebe Ally, have gifted to the school (and marked with a dot) since 2004.

“I believe that education is one of the key drivers for success for individuals and for a nation as a whole,” says Ally, president and CEO of International Consulting Services, based in North Carolina. “I wanted to do something to give back.”

Giving back is something Ally has always wanted to do, especially to help his home country of Guyana, the third-poorest country in South America. Although he had studied business at the University of Guyana in 1978, he briefly considered politics as a way to help change his country for the better but soon realized that approach wasn’t likely to be effective. He moved to the U.S. and completed a bachelor’s and master’s in business administration, but having an academic understanding of business wasn’t enough. He wanted to go to a university that could help him use his business background to improve the picture for Guyana. So he enrolled at Walden.

“Walden’s professors encouraged me to give back to my country, knowing that development and business could be better than aid,” he says.

Meanwhile, he got a message from a friend in Guyana: The library at his alma mater was perilously low on business textbooks. The books that were available were either out of date or based on British laws. Ally was inspired to buy 50 books in the U.S. and send them to the school. His donations have increased during the last seven years. When he visits the university, he sees that nine out of 10 business students are using the books he donated. And that feels good.

We all can give more of ourselves. We can start small and do something that fits with our lives and what we understand,” says Ally, now a professor of management at William Loveland College in Colorado and a visiting professor at the Romanian-American University, Qatar University, and the University of Guyana. “You can pick something near and dear to your heart, and the rest will follow. Walden helped me see this through.” 

UG Alumni E-News, University of Guyana.
Bulletin No. 11 November 2011: Page 2

Book Donation
Guyanese born, Professor, CEO and Consultant Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally and Dr. Maryann Ally of Pennsylvania, U.S.A and Central Demerara Lions Club, Georgetown presented their 7th donation of 48 International Accounting, Financial Accounting and Managerial text books and CD-Roms valuing US$5,115.00 (G$1,023,000) to the University of Guyana Library. The simple handing over ceremony was held on November 22. Present at the ceremony were Dr. Marlene Cox, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Ms. Gwyneth George, University Librarian among other members of the University community. To date, the Allys have made donations to UG totaling 1,068 text books and CD-Roms valuing US$87,549 (G$17,509,800).
Dr. Ally making his presentation to Dr. Marlene Cox, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, UG
Some of the books donated

Presentation to University of Guyana Dr. Marlene Cox

As the University celebrates its Golden Jubilee, the University wishes to thank one of the library’s most outstanding and consistent donors and friend of the Library, and a son of the soil who is dedicated to giving back to his country.”

Gwyneth George
Chief Librarian
University of Guyana Library
Turkeyen Campus

May 7, 2015: To date the Library has benefitted from EIGHT DONATIONS for a total of 1,458 textbooks, CD-ROMs and videos with an estimated value of G$19,115,400:  (US $95,577)on the subjects of Accounting, Management, Economics, Project Management, Strategic Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Business, Languages, and Health.

May 7, 2015 with UG VICE CHANCELLOR, Dr. Jacob Opadeyi, Ph.D., MBA, FRICS
Dr. Shamir Ally Reading Corner” at UG Library

Dr. Shamir Ally Reading Corner” at UG Library