The Guyanian Ambassador: Kuwait and the Al-Sabah family were given the second floor at the embassy

“Paying the remaining amount of our debts to Kuwait by owning oil lands and investments”

• Kuwaiti diplomacy is distinguished and keen on building bridges of communication with everyone

• The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development approved a grant for Guyana in the amount of 500 thousand dinars

• We will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our country and the 25th anniversary of the establishment of our relations with Kuwait

• I feel happy every day I spent in Kuwait … and our relationship is developing a lot

Ambassador Extraordinary Commissioner Plenipotentiary of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to Kuwait, Shamir Ally, revealed that the embassy this year commemorates the 25th anniversary of the establishment of his country’s diplomatic relations with Kuwait, and the lapse of 9 years since the embassy was in its same location in Kuwait, confirming its allocation to the second floor of the embassy building as a museum for his dedication to the the Al-Sabah family and the Kuwaiti people, in appreciation of all that Kuwait provided to his country and to all countries of the world, where a picture of the tree of the Al-Sabah family was designed by the British historian Michael Field, in addition to pictures of all the prizes obtained by His Highness the Emir of Kuwait, and a wooden boat expressing Kuwaiti heritage was also placed, to serve as a Kuwaiti miniature museum.
Shamir Ally said, in an interview with “Al-Rai”, that Kuwaiti diplomacy is distinguished and keen to extend bridges of communication with everyone, expressing his happiness for the official visit to his country, which was made by His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed, while he was Prime Minister, within his tour of Latin America. .
Ally talked about the Kuwait Investment Authority in March 2019 dropping 67 percent of the interest of his country’s debts to Kuwait, which accumulated more than 40 years ago, indicating that the remaining amount, which has been paid up to $ 27 million, was paid by Kuwait owning lands and investments in the oil field, paying the rest in a periodic manner, we value this and is appreciated, praising the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development for approving a grant for Guyana in the amount of 500 thousand Kuwaiti dinars, to implement the road construction project after submitting the economic feasibility study.
Here are the details of the interview:

How would you describe your country’s relations with Kuwait?
– I came to Kuwait 4 years ago and feel happy every day that I spent it, due to the nature of the Kuwaitis and their diverse and many cultures. Our relations with Kuwait are developing greatly from year to year, and many Kuwaiti people have become aware of Guyana, and ITL World has finally started to promote Guyana as a tourist destination in Kuwait and the countries of the region.
In the year 2010, and specifically in the month of July, His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed, then Prime Minister, made an official visit to the Republic of Guyana as part of his tour of Latin America, and this visit pleased us a lot, which indicates the excellence of Kuwaiti diplomacy and its keenness to extend bridges of communication, where Sheikh Nasser chose us Among most of the countries surrounding us, we were asked to open an embassy for us in Kuwait, and indeed, we were given a building for the embassy, and it was opened in January 2011, to be the first embassy to open in the region, providing services not only to Kuwait, but to the Gulf Cooperation Council and the countries of the world Islamic organization also, and we have many signed agreements between our two countries and other agreements are ready pending the signing of our Foreign Minister, including the exemption of diplomatic passport holders from the visa.
What is the surprise that you talked about?
– This year, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, the 25th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations with Kuwait, and the passing of 9 years since the embassy was located in the same location, which is why we are working to perpetuate this anniversary in a way that no one has preceded it. I decided to set up a mini museum on the second floor at the embassy building and I presented it to the family of Al-Sabah family and the Kuwaiti people in appreciation of all that Kuwait provided to my country and to all countries of the world, and we put in this mini museum the Al-Sabah tree designed by the British historian Michael Field who came to Kuwait last November, and gave me three copies of these trees, and put one in My house and one in the Embassy and last one I gave it to the Al – Sabah family, the second floor which includes all the awards received by His Highness the Emir of Kuwait , in addition to setting a wooden boat expresses Kuwaiti heritage to serve as a Kuwaiti miniature museum.
• How many people of your community are in Kuwait?
– Only five, my wife and I and the first secretary at the embassy and his wife and their son, but we have a number ranging from 300 to 500 of our community working in the oil sector in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Emirates.

A Kuwaiti grant of half a million dinars for a road project

The Guyanian Ambassador in Kuwait confirmed that his country borrowed from Kuwait one million dinars in the year 1970 and accumulated the benefits of this loan until it reached $ 100 million, and we agreed with the Investment Authority in Kuwait in March 2019 to drop 67 percent of the interest, and pay the remaining amount which is up to $ 27 million through Kuwait owning lands and investments in the oil field and paying the remainder periodically, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development also approved a grant for Guyana in the amount of 500 thousand Kuwaiti dinars to implement the road construction project after submitting the economic feasibility study of the project.

Guyana is a parliamentary republic

Ambassador Ally said that Guyana was part of Britain until the year 1966, and we gained our independence and we have a parliamentary system that includes 56 elected representatives, the upcoming parliamentary elections will be in June 2020, and the population of Guyana is about 800 thousand, which is our lucky number, as this year will witness the production of 800 thousand barrels of oil per day through investments of the company, Exxon Mobil, at a value of 7 billion dollars, and this will reduce the cost of electricity in Guyana, which currently reaches 80 cents per kilowatts, in addition to providing thousands of opportunities for work, which will reduce our unemployment rate, and I encourage the Guyanian competencies in America, Canada and the rest of the world are to return, we need these competencies now and employment, and Guyana is an United Nations member, a member of the Muslim World League, and a member of a group of Commonwealth countries and a group of South American countries.
He added: We are a parliamentary republic, and the party that receives the majority is the one who runs the government, and the winning party leader becomes president of the country, and he who appoints the prime minister, explaining that Guyana is an ancient country, but its resources are not discovered and its resources are not well utilized, but things change today and there diligent work to develop the country and move the wheel of development in it.